Designing Your Interior Design Business with the Help of Podcasts

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 227

Today’s curated collection of interior design podcasts include episodes from hosts Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan, Gail M Davis, LuAnn Nigara, Rebecca Plumb & Shaun Crha.

Our only podcast guest is a good one - Monica Sharma-Patnekar, Marketing Strategist and Fractional CMO and owner of Business with Monica.

4 of the world’s best interior design business podcasts. Get ready to learn something…

Episode Highlights:

  • Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - Owning the Initial Client Consultation - 32 min

  • Design Perspectives - Gail M Davis - Let's Talk Business - 25 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Power Talk Friday: Monica Sharma-Patnekar: Your REAL Audience Vs. Your IDEAL Audience; How To Find Them and Keep Them - 51 min

  • Hot Young Designers Club - Rebecca Plumb & Shaun Crha - High Point Market Recap Fall 2023 - 47 min

Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - Owning the Initial Client Consultation - 32 min

I’ve become a big fan of Cheryl from her appearances on A Well Design Business with LuAnn Nigara.

In this inaugural episode of her own podcast, hosts Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan share invaluable insights on building your successful design business with no topic off the table. Today they focus on a successful initial consultation. It might surprise you what Cheryl refuses to do or discuss when meeting the client for the first time. So, "Get ready to challenge the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary!”


[00:23] Cheryl welcomes listeners to the inaugural episode of their podcast. How does our initial consultation work

[02:03] A description of the discovery call and what gets Liz excited about a new lead

[06:07] What is said to a new client about what the firm does not do 

[11:00] Cheryl loves to do initial consultations with no prep and strives to find out the client's real needs

[14:40] Questions we ask, how we listen to the client and whether the client is aware of what the market in their neighborhood warrants

[21:13] Cheryl discusses what other designers do and critical questions most clients don’t consider

[27:16] How to wrap up the visit with the client regarding details and budget

[30:30] Cheryl’s damn good truth for this episode 


  • Cheryl’s goals in her first consultation are to make the client feel comfortable and excited about the project and to infuse “expert in the room” confidence

  • Key element to all initial consultations is the success of the discovery call

  • Why this is one of Cheryl’s favorite aspects of a new project and making it yours too

  • How repetition is key to making sure there is no mistake with the client’s understanding of the consultation process and how we work 

Design Perspectives - Gail M Davis - Let's Talk Business - 25 min

This is an episode that is from the heart. I receive a lot of phone calls, DM's & text messages asking me who do I use for...fill in the blank.

In this episode I am sharing it ALL! I am NOT saying that I have all of the answers but where I can lend a hand, I will!

There is enough for us ALL to win & be successful at what we do. In business, just like in life you must take ACTION!

You can't just keep taking in information, you must DO! I hope this episode helps you where and/if you need.

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Power Talk Friday: Monica Sharma-Patnekar: Your REAL Audience Vs. Your IDEAL Audience; How To Find Them and Keep Them - 51 min

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is joined by Monica Sharma-Patnekar, Marketing Strategist and Fractional CMO and owner of Business with Monica. We are deep-diving into how to attract your REAL audience, the ones who actually respond to your brand messaging and marketing. Monika explains how to find out what attracted your clients to you. What it was that made them choose you over your competition, what resonated with them in your messaging, and how to keep doing it to get even more clients.

Pick It Apart

  • [10:26] LuAnn and Monica discuss the importance of even as things change in the market, the key is always knowing who you are reaching out to.

  • [12:30] The multiple ways that you can determine who your “real” customers are over your “ideal” customers.

  • [17:00] How designers can ask their clients to have conversations about their business after their service.

  • [23:03] What to do with our marketing once we know how we obtain our “real” clients.

  • [25:30] Monica gives us a concrete example of one of her client’s success.

  • [32:43] Monica runs through her four D’s; Desires over Demographics Framework.

LuAnn Nigara & Monica Sharma-Patnekar's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “When talking about customer interviews, remember that people love helping people. They appreciate being seen and heard.” - Monica Sharma-Patnekar

  • “The key is finding out how you serve your ‘real’ clients at every touchpoint.” - Monica Sharma-Patnekar

  • “A brand is a feeling and how you make your customers feel at every step of their journey.” - Monica Sharma-Patnekar

Hot Young Designers Club - Rebecca Plumb & Shaun Crha - High Point Market Recap Fall 2023 - 47 min

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This episode is a recap of Rebecca & Shaun’s experience at Fall 2023 High Point Market. Join them as they walk through the showroom floors, share their observations on new trends, and break down some of the top looks that caught their eyes. They'll also share exclusive updates from favorite vendors like Four Hands, their new products, and some exciting technology improvements they're making.

In this episode, Rebecca & Shaun discuss:

  • Trends seen at High Point Market Fall 2023

  • Updates from Four Hands — new products, inventory levels, sample ordering process, etc

  • How supply chain issues may impact designers

  • The Art Deco influences in lighting designs

  • What designers should look out for to plan their businesses better

  • Trends in furniture materials like travertine, stone and wood mixes, and colorful stones

  • Trends in furniture styles like distressed finishes, dressmaker details in upholstery, and glass side tables

  • Popular colors seen in furniture like gray-blues, rust tones, and celadon green  

  • Issues with some furniture being intentionally distressed to avoid damage claims

  • Hidden features in furniture, like power strips and movable parts in nightstands

  • Fur textures are seen more in chairs and sofas


How to Improve the Business-Side of Your Interior Design Business


Business Growth for Interior Designers: Podcast Education Resources