The Interior DesignHer Blog

real-world interior design business education

Interior Designers Will Thrive in 2024
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

Interior Designers Will Thrive in 2024

Interior Designers Will Thrive in 2024

2024 is almost upon us. And it’s going to be an interesting year for interior designers. With interest rates (finally) flattening…and promises of lowered rates later in the year, housing markets are primed to heat up…which is good news for residential designers.

Combine this with advances in AI and a wealth of services designed to level up the business-side of your interior design business, 2024 is destined to be a year of positive change for a lot of interior designers. It’s time to get excited…and get moving.

Today’s interior design podcasts at a glance:

The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - There’s No Perfect Design Business with Sara Noble - 42 min

Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: End of Year Activities to finish strong - 13 min

Resilient by Design - Rebecca Hay - The Top 3 Products to Maximize Profitability in Interior Design - 27 min

Business of Home - Dennis Scully - The Thursday Show: Heidi Caillier's next phase. Plus: Airbnb's mysterious AI investment and more - 1 hr, 4 min

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6 Lessons for the Business Side of Your Interior Design Business
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

6 Lessons for the Business Side of Your Interior Design Business

6 Lessons for the Business Side of Your Interior Design Business

We’ve got 6 kick-butt lessons for the business side of your interior design business in today’s collection of interior design business podcasts.

Today’s lessons come from podcast hosts Terri Taylor, Michele Williams, LuAnn Nigara, Melissa Galt, Laura Thornton and Kate Greunke. Their guest lecturers include Stacy Hernandez, the principal and CEO of Elegant Avenue Interiors and Rachel Krull, designer & owner of Monday Morning Interiors

School’s in session. Let’s put those thinking caps on:

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Interior Design Artistry, Custom Creations, AI & a Path to Happiness and Financial Success
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

Interior Design Artistry, Custom Creations, AI & a Path to Happiness and Financial Success

Interior Design Artistry, Custom Creations, AI & a Path to Happiness and Financial Success

There is a lot of nervous chatter in the interior design world about how AI powered technology is going to disrupt the entire industry.

But, maybe the fear that AI-generated designs is going to commoditize the industry & see small design firms replaced by AI-powered interior design apps is being blown way out of proportion.

Maybe AI-powered tech frees designers from a whole host of time consuming repetitive tasks allowing for a deeper focus on artistry, custom furniture - hardware - lighting - fabrics - etc, improved customer service, deeper relationships with clients, trades, contractors, suppliers, media and your local community…you know…fun stuff.

Listen to today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Sensational Tactile Creations that Loom Large in a Time of Renewed Artistic Appreciation - William Storms - 52 min

Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - How to Fail at Business and Other Tips for Success (David Farris) - 49 min

The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - When Your Day (Or Week) Is Derailed - 27 min

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Winning at Project Management with Alexandra Crevier - 36 min

The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - How to Publish Your Work & Get Noticed- 1 hr, 9 min

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The Future of Interior Design
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

The Future of Interior Design

The Future of Interior Design

What does the future hold for interior design & interior designers?

Today’s three interior design business podcasts provide three fascinating POVs on what the future may/should/could hold for interior designers. So many ideas bouncing around in my head after listening to these podcasts.

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Make Your Interior Design Business Better: It’s Time to Take Action
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

Make Your Interior Design Business Better: It’s Time to Take Action

Make Your Interior Design Business Better: It’s Time to Take Action

Great business advice is…great. But, without action, even the best advice is useless. At some point, you have to TAKE ACTION.

Today is a great day to take action to improve your interior design business.

And by the way…documenting those action steps - and missteps - and sharing on social is a great way to build your brand. Your future clients are going to love learning about your journey towards awesomeness.

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

The Mindful Designer - Timothy Murenzi - The Client Discovery Call Chronicles - 12 min

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do: How To Turn Your Aha’s into Action - 37 min

Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - The Price is the Price- selling products for the win - 46 min

Roadmap to Referrals - Stacey Brown Randall - What People Get Wrong About Referrals - 28 min

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Why do most interior designers suck at sales?
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

Why do most interior designers suck at sales?

Why do most interior designers suck at sales?

It’s not just interior designers…most creatives suck at selling. Some believe it’s the combination of natural “creative” personality traits + a lack of confidence + an inability to set boundaries + an education that virtually ignores the business side of interior design.

In today’s A Well-Designed Business podcast, host LuAnn Nigara & her guest Matthew Finlin, CEO of The Human Potential Academy dive deep into why most interior designers suck at sales :(

Scroll down to learn more:

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