The Road to Success: Interior Design Business Podcasts

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 207

Today’s curated collection of interior design podcasts include episodes from hosts Rebecca Hay, LuAnn Nigara, Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall, Sophie Robinson and Kate Watson-Smyth, Tobi Fairley, Kate Bendewald and Stephanie Stuart.

Podcast guests include the singular Vita Vygovska.

So much great info for your interior design biz in today’s collection of podcasts.

Episode Highlights:

  • Resilient by Design  - Rebecca Hay - Where do interior designers find their clients? - 39 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - How Automations Save You Time - 13 min

  • Dear Alice - Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall - Purchasing an Existing Home - How to right the wrongs of past owners - 45 min

  • The Great Indoors - Sophie Robinson and Kate Watson-Smyth - AI friend or foe of interior design? - 34 min

  • The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Are We in a Recession? - 39 min

  • Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - How to Develop a Rock Solid Concept Design - 24 min

  • Your Favorite Interior Design Podcast - Stephanie Stuart - What is Trade Day in Interior Design? - 12 min

Resilient by Design  - Rebecca Hay - Where do interior designers find their clients? - 39 min

In today’s episode, host Rebecca Hay is sharing exercises, tools, and tips to help interior designers find clients and spend their marketing time and energy wisely.

She shares an unpopular opinion about Instagram, some mistakes she’s made in the past, and a tip she learned from the ice cream truck. This episode has immediate, actionable steps you can take to focus your time and attention for the best results.

Window Treatments for Profit with LuAnn Nigara - LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: How Automations Save You Time - 13 min

In today’s episode of Window Treatments for Profit, LuAnn University instructor Vita Vygovska discusses how business automation can save you a whack of time.

Dear Alice - Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall - Purchasing an Existing Home - How to right the wrongs of past owners - 45 min

In this episode, hosts Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall share their “4 cents” on remodeling / renovation.

We see a lot of homes in all the work we do and in some of the remodels there are some things that you’re just inheriting. When you purchase a home like this, you have to get really good at planning because it’s not inexpensive to redo the various things you want changed, but there’s a lot of architecture and a lot of things you wouldn’t do today, but they did yesterday. So now it’s your turn to make it right and we think the majority of people are likely in this position who are listening to our podcast right now, so listen in as we give our opinions and expertise on what you should do when you inherit architecture. 


  • Inheriting architecture 9:10

  • Custom built-ins with little budget 11:05

  • Older homes and what’s so great about them 20:45

  • Analyze the way that you live 22:00

  • A mid-century jewel and pulling fashion in 31:15

  • Sometimes you will need to start over 34:10

  • Celebrate the good 38:05

  • Making existing architecture yours 41:15

  • “What do you do when you have custom built-ins in the home you purchased and you don’t have the budget to rip it out and rebuild it? How to repurpose, optimize, camouflage, style, paint? Here’s my dilemma, a built in structure between two pillars that separate the kitchen and family room.” 11:16

The Great Indoors - Sophie Robinson and Kate Watson-Smyth - AI friend or foe of interior design? - 34 min

In this episode, hosts Sophie Robinson and Kate Watson-Smyth give us their take on AI.

Opinion is that AI generated room designs are here, and not going anywhere. So how can you use this technology to help plan and visualise your home? Will these aspirational dreamlike interiors add to the already heavy feeling of FOMO? And will it make a whole industry of talented human designers obsolete? Or is it an amazing creative tool that can help expand all our creative horizons?

The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Are We in a Recession? - 39 min

In today’s episode, host Tobi Fairley offers her take on the current economic climate.

I’m hearing and seeing many interesting things going on in the design industry right now. People are crying out for help with navigating the current economy and they’re worried about the future. It feels like we’re in a recession, but nobody wants to name it or admit it.

Call it what you will, people are struggling right now. I’m discussing what we can do as entrepreneurs to be smart during this challenging time, why things might not improve over the next year, and I’m giving my advice on thinking differently to come out the other side of this economic turmoil strongly.

Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - How to Develop a Rock Solid Concept Design - 24 min

In today’s episode, host Kate Bendewald shares how to develop a rock-solid concept design phase for your clients and how important it can be to truly utilize in getting your clients excited and ready for their project.

Here's a glance at the episode:

  • [11:26] Kate dives into the concept design phase, analysis paralysis, and what the concept design phase is really all about

  • [13:15] Kate discusses what so many interior designers leave out when it comes to concept design and how important it is for key decisions moving forward.

  • [17:03] Kate shares a few examples of how important getting client questions and feedback answered during the concept design can make a big difference in what direction you go, and what products you're sourcing, as well as save everyone more time.

  • [19:35] Kate shares what 4 items are included in the concept design phase and why you need to include all of these. 

Your Favorite Interior Design Podcast - Stephanie Stuart - What is Trade Day in Interior Design? - 12 min

In today’s episode, host Stephanie Stuart discusses Trade Day.

Trade Day is one of the most important parts during our process in interior design. If you're working on an interior design project and you're doing it on your own, you might be interested in hosting your own trade day.

Trade Day is a day that we gather up all of our trades - all of the people that are involved in the project, that are going to help make the design happen and execute it. We have them come to the job site in scheduled intervals so they can take their measurements, photos and ask questions about their scope. We can collaborate, talk about things that are in the design that might be better suited elsewhere, or trades can talk together and say when they are going to install and in what order the work should be coordinated in.


Interior Design Business Strategies: Podcasts for Success


From Passion to Profit: Interior Design Business Podcasts