The Interior DesignHer Blog
real-world interior design business education

Smartphone Photography for Interior Designers
Smartphone Photography for Interior Designers
In 2024, marketing your interior design business relies heavily on the quality & quantity of the images & videos you post on social media.
And, for a small number of fancy-pants interior designers, that means paying a photographer to take and edit about a bazillion pictures of their projects.
Us mere mortals are more likely to:
Pay a photographer to snap a few pics of our completed projects
Supplement those images with our own DIY smartphone pictures & videos.
Guess whose images look better & get more social engagement? Yours or the already big-name interior designers.
And as a result, the Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest & TikTok algorithms end up favoring those big-name designers who can pay for better content.

Mr. Beast Wasn’t Always Mr. Beast
Mr. Beast Wasn’t Always Mr. Beast
It’s true…Mr. Beast wasn’t always Mr. Beast.
Like the rest of us, Mr. Beast’s first YouTube video sucked. Seriously, not good.
However, unlike a lot of us, Mr. Beast kept making videos, and - surprise, surprise - a lot of those sucked too.
Unlike even more of us, Mr. Beast kept making videos AND he studied how people consumed his videos...what they liked, what they didn't like, when they quit his videos, etc
Unlike even more of us, Mr. Beast studied other creators & identified why & how their videos worked and/or failed. And he replied to almost all of his viewers comments to make a connection & learn from them. And he did a whole bunch of other stuff over & over & over & over...until he became Mr. Beast.