Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 64

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 64

We’ve got 7 great interior design business podcasts today. So much good stuff to help you level up your interior design business :)

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - How Allison Handler Made a Million-Dollar Business in Less Than 2 Years - 38 min

  • The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Upleveling the Vacation Rental Design Industry with Jessica Duce - 52 min

  • Resilient by Design - Rebecca Hay - How to run a post project review - 15 min

  • Designers Business Community - Eric Lee - 5 Tips for Converting More Interior Design Clients - 10 min

  • Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - 5 Signs it’s Time to Hire - 28 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - How to Recession-Proof Your Interior Design Business - 25 min

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Exquisite Objects for Experimental Design from Mexico City, A Story of Art, Family and Collaborative Vision - 43 min

Designed by Wingnut Social - How Allison Handler Made a Million-Dollar Business in Less Than 2 Years - 38 min

If you're a business owner, how important is utilizing social media for your business? Do you really need to get on camera? Allison Handler of Allison Handler Design joins host Darla Powell to discuss how she made a million-dollar business in less than 2 years, largely to the credit of her social media accounts. Allison shares how she utilizes her socials, how they helped her grow her business, and how her social media converts to lots of paying clients.

It all begins and ends with relationships. Allison Handler Design prides itself on building and maintaining incredible relationships with both clients and vendors, working hard every day to make sure that a client’s wants and needs are satisfied by keeping a close-knit but wide-reaching team of vendor partners on hand to seamlessly execute the vision. As lead designer and visionary, Allison oversees all projects, ensuring the AHD aesthetic is incorporated while keeping the client’s personal preferences.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Design You Podcast - Upleveling the Vacation Rental Design Industry with Jessica Duce - 52 min

Right before this year’s High Point Market, there’s something amazing going on that host Tobi Fairley finds super interesting: the Vacation Rental Design Summit. In this episode, Tobi unpacks all of it with the brains behind the Vacation Rental Design Summit: Jessica Duce.

Jessica Duce has been in business for almost 20 years, and she’s bringing her creativity and expertise to residential and commercial projects across the country. Her foray into vacation rental design began in 2017 quite accidentally, but this learn-by-fire experience catapulted her into the short-term rental market and shifted the trajectory of her career.

What You'll Learn From This Episode

  • How Jessica stumbled into the niche of designing vacation rentals and has stuck with it ever since.

  • My own journey into the field of vacation rental design.

  • How the vacation rental industry has changed over the past decade.

  • Why design work on rental properties isn’t one and done and is actually a replenishable business model.

  • Some of the exciting innovations going on in the vacation rental design and branding space.

  • What it means to build a brand around a vacation rental property.

  • How Jessica is helping to uplevel the vacation rental industry in general, beyond just the design of the properties.

  • What Jessica is expecting for the future of the short-term vacation rental market.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Resilient by Design - How to run a post project review - 15 min

In this episode, host Rebecca Hay walks through what she does in her design business when a project phase comes to a close. Rebecca calls it a post-project review.

This is a very powerful debrief where she sits down as a team, looks back at the phase or project, and analyzes what went well, what didn't go well, and what we can improve on.

This is a great exercise to help you constantly improve your process and business practices for the next projects ahead.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designers Business Community - 5 Tips for Converting More Interior Design Clients - 10 min

In this episode, host Eric Lee shares his 5 sales conversion tips to help us increase the conversion rate for our next consultations. These tips are from Eric’s 25 years experience in the industry and Eric is pretty sure that if you follow them, you will have a much higher conversion rate for your next Interior Design client.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designer’s Oasis - 5 Signs it’s Time to Hire - 28 min

In today’s episode, host Kate Bendewald is talking all about hiring - specifically, how to know when its time to hire.

The reality is that many of us, as designers experience the struggles that we are talking about today and we end up throwing money at or wasting time on the wrong things  - when really the answer is hiring help in your business. 

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [06:26] I share the honest truth that sometimes if you are not enjoying your business anymore and feel like you’re losing your creativity and your love for your work, you may be in need of help i.e. hiring!

  • [08:35] I dive into the second way to know it’s time to hire - you are overwhelmed with the business tasks and the day to day and losing your time in all of you necessary admin work.

  • [09:38] I share how the necessary details that go into every project can be bogging you down from really working on your big picture goals. Someone else could be doing some of this behind the scenes work for you.

  • [14:05] If your client work is suffering and the experience is dwindling, you may have too much on your plate that could be handed off to another team member via hiring.

  • [15:42] I talk about team burnout and how not hiring can affect the rest of your team and how this may include your team not focusing on what they are best at as everyone takes on projects that are out of their wheelhouse.

  • [18:05] I share how to start hiring, who to hire and what you should be looking for to offload  some admin work. I share an exercise that will help you take action now in deciding the next first step!

  • [28:05] I talk about how not hiring can actually keep you stagnant and keep you from making more and providing a greater level of service for your clients. I leave you with a few thoughts on mindset and how to make that first hire (or next hire).

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Interior Design Business CEO - How to Recession-Proof Your Interior Design Business - 25 min

There are three pillars you need to implement that will help you find success in a recession, and a handful of skills you need to support those pillars. Whatever your thoughts about the economy are, whether you’re worried about a looming financial crisis or not, I’m showing you how to protect your business so you can deal with anything that comes your way.

In this episode, host Desi Creswell introduces us to the two categories she see designers falling into when it comes to dealing with uncertainty in general:

  1. how to build business relationships in a recession, and

  2. how to become the certainty your business needs to make it through uncertain times.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • Desi’s own experience of navigating a major global financial crisis.

  • The experience Desi’s clients are having currently and the impact of a possible recession.

  • 3 pillars to recession-proofing your business.

  • Why these pillars are vital, whatever your thoughts are about the economy currently.

  • The cyclical nature of the interior design industry, independent of the economy.

  • Why worry is never useful and you can always pivot to deal with anything that comes your way.

  • How to be in control of your business and your results and make aligned decisions, whether we’re in a recession or not.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Convo By Design - Exquisite Objects for Experimental Design from Mexico City, A Story of Art, Family and Collaborative Vision - 43 min

In this episode, host Josh Cooperman chats with Sten Studio founder Jose Miguel Schnaider.

From a family quarry to original works of art suing beautiful gifts painstakingly unwrapped from their multi-million year formation process, that is both a big responsibility and an unparalleled opportunity to create something truly unique.  Using the minerals and materials unearthed using select manufacturing techniques, Juan Miguel crafts some incredible works. But not alone. This is also a conversation about collaboration and teamwork. 

It dawned on my while writing the preamble for this episode that a consistent and constant theme that is present in every one of the 400+ previous conversations and from each of the 800+ creatives I have spoken with over the past 10 years, there is this state of wonder I feel. I was having a conversation recently with the CEO of a rather large company. We were just chatting about life in general and I realized something. My friend’s creative pilot light had gone out. As we delved deeper, it became evident that there was no joy in what he did, only obligations. The need to keep things going forward. Sales, R & D, stock price, no bad press, no scandals… Burnout will surely follow at some point, and he knows this. The goal, for him, is to hang on as long as possible. Get as close as he can to the day when he can eventually cut the cord and let go.

Think about that for a moment. Just keeping all the balls in the air versus living each breath in a state of awe and wonder. Nobody I know has reached that level of awareness, some are far closer than I but the goal is to eventually get there. Why so philosophical today? Not sure, but I think it has to do with this conversation and the idea of walking through a yard of newly unearthed minerals, geodes, and all different shapes of materials knowing that I would have the opportunity to craft them into something completely unique. Art. Isn’t that what life is all about? Taking the unknown, opportunity, discovery and crafting it into something you can be proud of?

Thank you Juan Miguel.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 65


Interior Design Podcasts - Episode 63