Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 36

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 36 - December 7, 2022

Hey designers…I’ve got 6 great podcasts for you today. A bunch of challenging ideas to help you level up your business…and mine.

Enjoy…then get to work…those interiors aren’t going to design themselves :)

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Patrick Tighe, Eric Chang & Cliff Fong: Rebels of Design from the Pacific Design Center in 2016 - 1 hr 4 min

  • Business Building By Design - Emily Janzen McGrath - Overwhelm & Anxiety and How to Deal - 9 min

  • Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Lorena Gaxiola - The Art Beyond Property Design - 51 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Becoming the CEO Your Business Needs - 17 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - How to Create the Perfect Online Course (with Ariel Schiffer) - 46 min

  • Trade Tales - Kaitlin Peterson - Why leveling up means longevity for Delia Kenza - 43 min

Convo By Design - Patrick Tighe, Eric Chang & Cliff Fong: Rebels of Design from the Pacific Design Center in 2016 - 1 hr 4 min

In today’s episode, host Josh Cooperman takes a look back at some previously incredible design events. We’re getting in the way-back machine and going to 2016, the Pacific Design Center for a conversation about design rebellion.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business Building By Design - Overwhelm & Anxiety and How to Deal - 9 min

In this episode, host Emily Janzen McGrath talks about overwhelm and anxiety and how she deals with it

You can check out this podcast episode here:

beyond interior design - interior design business podcast - marc muskens

Beyond Interior Design - Lorena Gaxiola - The Art Beyond Property Design - 51 min

In today’s episode, host Marc Müskens interviews Lorena Gaxiola. 

Originally from Mexico, Lorena Gaxiola established a successful business in the United States. She worked with some of the country’s top Fortune 500 companies before launching a successful homewares line and later expanding her business into Australasia.

She is an internationally acclaimed design expert, with more than 25 years experience in the business of property.

Now based in Sydney, Lorena continues to deliver a full suite of interior design services, including visual assets and marketing material for projects of all sizes. Her services go well beyond interior design and styling.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Interior Design Business CEO - Becoming the CEO Your Business Needs - 17 min

What does it mean to be the CEO of your interior design business? This is more than just about what you do: it’s about who you’re being.

Tune in this week to see why you’re more than a creative. As host Desi Creswell reminds us, you are a business owner, and the sooner you can start showing up as the CEO of your business, the sooner you can start creating the kind of results you want, whether that’s an income goal, working on specific types of projects, setting the schedule that you want, or anything else.


  • Why so many designers feel like they’re just trying to keep their heads above water.

  • How you might be seeing yourself as an accidental or unqualified business owner.

  • Why your opinions of who you are and what you’re capable of are influencing how you show up every single day.

  • What it means to show up as the CEO of your interior design business.

  • How to discover the narrative driving your actions in your business and uncover your perceptions of being a CEO.

  • The two roles you can play in your business, and which one makes you the leader your business needs.

  • How to start identifying as a CEO, truly believing you are ready, capable, and empowered in making strategic, proactive decisions.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - How to Create the Perfect Online Course (with Ariel Schiffer) - 46 min

Are you thinking of creating an online course?

Guest Ariel Schiffer is the Founder of Dreampro, the first-choice course creation agency for entrepreneurs and small business owners - and she's also helping build a Wingnut Social course! Today, Ariel & host Darla Powell discuss who should create a course, the potential of an online course, what goes into the course creation, common mistakes, and much more.


  • Even as a DIY-er, you can still make a phenomenal course. It’s not about having all the bells and whistles, or crazy video editing. It’s about being extremely clear with potential course members and letting them know what they’ll get out of the course. A good course is designed based on the people who are taking it. When it comes to learning something new, it can be uncomfortable to step out of your comfort zone. To make this process easier for your course members, make your course something that really relates to their lifestyle. This will create a stronger connection with your course members as well.

  • When it comes to figuring out who exactly your course will help, and what it will help them do, get as specific as possible. Unless you have a massive audience or credibility, get as niche as possible in your digital offerings as it will allow you to market yourself even more. Listen to the noise - what are people sick of? What are they begging for? What are people constantly asking about? As much as we don’t like to be in the noise, listen to it! It will ultimately clue you in to what’s trending, and what people are craving right now. Once you figure this out, you’ll be able to offer something really valuable and help your learners overcome something they’re currently struggling with.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Trade Tales - Why leveling up means longevity for Delia Kenza - 43 min

Delia Kenza rose quickly through the world of design when a chance encounter landed her home in the pages of a magazine. While her business benefited from the structure of design platform Homepolish in its early years, going out on her own would mean establishing systems to help her firm keep up with the rising popularity—and making sure those same processes would anchor her firm for the long haul.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 37


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 35