Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 24

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 24 - November 21, 2022

If you’re an interior designer who runs (or aspires to run) their own interior design business, you’re going to love today’s interior design business podcasts.

Here are today’s podcasts:

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Little Money Habits with Big Results - 27 min

  • Profit Is A Choice - Michele Williams - Creating an Accounting Foundation for your Design Business - 49 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: You Can Shop on TikTok with This New E-Commerce Feature - 10 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Taking Care of WHO Matters Most In Your Business - 27 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Best of Show with Donna Moss - 45 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - 5 Reasons You Should Stop Using Linktree if You Want Better SEO - 12 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Timothy Corrigan: "Designers are brands" - 52 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - Getting the Most Out of Your High Point Market Visit - 15 min

Interior Design Business - Little Money Habits with Big Results - 27 min

How well do you know your numbers?

In this episode, I’m talking about little money habits that create big results, and it all starts with getting familiar with your numbers. 

I’m sharing some little changes you can make to the way you handle your money as an interior designer that will make a big difference to your finances. From bookkeeping tips to attracting more money, if you struggle with finances, I’ve got you covered. 

I want to help you shift your energy around money so that you can use your time and money to benefit others without being taken advantage of or giving your knowledge away for free. 

If you avoid looking at your finances because you think you’re not a numbers person, don’t skip this episode! 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit Is A Choice - Creating an Accounting Foundation for your Design Business - 49 min

In today’s epidsode, host Michele Williams welcomes Erin McGhee to the podcast. Erin describes herself as an Accounting Manager for service-based businesses. Her big goal – to put you in charge of your money. Listen in as Michele & Erin discuss what is needed to have you in the driver’s seat of your business vehicle and what it takes to keep you there.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Organize

  • Implement

  • Maintain

  • Financial Process

Key Thoughts:

  • My process and any service that I offer my clients, we follow the organize, implement, and maintain framework, and that organizes the first piece with any client where we truly dive into those foundations. Erin McGhee (8:55) 

  • Your chart of accounts needs to be detailed enough that you can look at them and analyze and make decisions for your business, it doesn't mean you won't have to dig down further here and there, but you should be able to look at it and make decisions. Michele (9:55) 

  • My goal is simple. It's to put owners in charge of their money. Erin McGhee (16:21) 

  • I do not ever want the owner of a company to feel like they don't own their books, you own them, period. Michele (18:03)

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: You Can Shop on TikTok with This New E-Commerce Feature - 10 min

Did you know that you can now shop on TikTok?

TikTok has a new e-commerce feature, similar to Instagram shopping. TikTok shopping is currently being tested with big brands like Amazon, Target, and more, but it will be rolled out to smaller creators and influencers as well.

Meanwhile, Myspace makes a comeback through a new Instagram feature that allows you to add music to your feed posts.


  • There may be some of you interior designers out there rolling your eyes when you hear the word TikTok. However, we’ve seen some big brands, real estate agents, and designers take TikTok by storm. There’s a big opportunity for TikTok to be a key extension of your brand. TikTok helps interior design feel more accessible to new users and viewers. Whether you like TikTok or not, this Mini News is for you, because TikTok is in the process of launching their in-app e-commerce in the United States. It’s been out in the UK for a bit, but now it’s moving to the US. Think of it like Instagram shopping, but on TikTok! Right now, it’s only available to bigger brands like Amazon, Target, and others, but eventually they’re hoping to roll it out to the smaller creators and influencers. Abby suspects there will be a follower count requirement, based on the fact that you can’t have direct links in your bio on TikTok unless you have at least a thousand followers. After this initial testing with bigger brands is complete, smaller accounts should have access to it as well. FYI…@wingnutsocial & @interior_designher are both on TikTok - give us a follow!

  • TikTok tips: We’ve experienced that “talking head” videos aren’t getting us much traction as more original, creative content. It can seem very random what takes off, but from our experience, aesthetically pleasing videos tend to do better, plus videos that use trending audios. Spend 10 minutes a day scrolling through TikTok and if you hear the same audio more than once, try using that audio and see how your video does!

  • You might have seen this in your feed over the last few days - Instagram has added the capability to add music to your static feed posts. When you’re composing your feed post, there’s an option before hitting share that says “Add music” and you can add 5 to 90 seconds of a song of your choosing to your post. This doesn’t mean that you can skip out on Reels. These are still considered static images. Using this new tool may boost you slightly in the algorithm since they’ve been pushing this feature. Instagram typically rewards users that test their new features. This new feature could also help convey more emotion through your posts to connect with your followers in a new way.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - Taking Care of WHO Matters Most In Your Business - 27 min

What are you doing for the whole of your body and soul?

Think about it for a moment. If your first reaction is to say, “Oh, I don’t have time for that, I’m on a roll in my business and self-care has to wait,” then host Melissa Galt has some news for you. When you short-change yourself, you short-change your family, your friends, your clients, and, yes, your business. It’s just that important.

Putting yourself first isn't selfish. It's healthy and it is self-preservation that helps you to thrive rather than just survive. If you don't care for yourself first, you put yourself on the fast track to burn-out, sick-out, and checking out. Self-care isn’t something that should be thought of as your last priority, it should be your first.

In today’s episode, Melissa dives into the care and feeding of your greatest business asset: you. This is an opportunity to become aware of the ways that you are neglecting your best self. She provides us with some simple strategies we can (should?) put in place to correct the deficiencies, to correct the self-neglect, get off the hamster wheel, and get back your sanity.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why self-care is such a key component for the success of your business

  • How to distinguish between self-indulgence and self-care

  • Strategies for creating a self-care routine that works for you

  • Inspiration from Melissa’s own self-care routine that may help you to personalize your own

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - Best of Show with Donna Moss - 45 min

In today’s episode, host Michelle Lynne interviews Donna Moss - aka the Queen of Bling. With an eye on high fashion and 30 years of luxury design experience, Donna continues to stay true to her brand and proves that you can bling it all - while being bold, gold, and glamorous.

Donna is known worldwide as a finalist on HGTV’s show Design Star Season One and the host of her own HGTV series Donna Decorates Dallas, which celebrates over 30 episodes and several seasons as a leading television series. She also authored the book, Best of Show and is one of the most sought-after and successful designers in the great state of Texas.

In this episode, Donna shares her experience working on many show houses, why they are a great way to get the word out about your work, and how being on a reality TV show changed her life and her career.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show - 5 Reasons You Should Stop Using Linktree if You Want Better SEO - 12 min

Do you use Linktree in your Instagram bio?

While it's popular and seems like a great idea, Linktree is actually taking all the traffic that should be going directly to your website. This is no fault of Linktree; it's just how technology works. Rather than using a third-party tool like this to redirect your social media fans to wherever they need to go, and thus lose the website traffic, you should instead be using a page on your own website for this exact purpose.

Today on The Kate Show, host Kate Greunke shows us exactly how to set up our own version of Linktree and why it really, really does matter.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - Timothy Corrigan: "Designers are brands" - 52 min

A fixture in the top tier of the international design scene since the late nineties, Timothy Corrigan has been on every magazine’s honor roll, won numerous awards, and is the only American to be recognized by the French Heritage Society for his work. His clients have included everyone from Madonna and David Schwimmer to the Qatari royal family—every month Tim makes a loop around the world to attend to a truly global clientele.

On this episode of the podcast, he speaks with host Dennis Scully about why he likes to hire employees with first careers outside of design, how work life balance is overrated, and how transparency is the only way forward for the industry.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - Getting the Most Out of Your High Point Market Visit - 15 min

  • Do you like the smell of new furniture?

  • Does it give you happy feelings whenever you're around them?

  • Wouldn't it be nice to hang out with other designers after exploring showrooms?

In today’s episode, host Rebecca Ward advises us on how to get the most out of a visit to High Point Market.

If you are an interior designer, whether you work for a firm, are self-employed, or are a student, it is important to attend furniture markets like High Point Market. This market is the largest in America, occurring twice a year in North Carolina. It took me about 15 years to get to High Point Market, but I see myself going every couple of years.

Las Vegas does its markets in winter and summer, High Point does theirs in spring and fall, while the Dallas market is in January, which is known for its lighting shows.

While attending all of them is unnecessary because things don't change that much and it can add up too because you're paying for flights, hotels, and food, I find myself going to one of these markets about once a year or whenever I have a specific vendor I'm after.

So if you're on the fence about going to these markets, if you are curious about the activities and events that take place there, or if you want to know tips and tricks for making the most of your experience at the market, this episode is for you.


  • Learn from my own High Point Market experience

  • Discover the 7 reasons why you must go to the High Point Market

  • Know ways you can prepare for High Point Market

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 25


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 23