Inside the Design Business: Podcasts for Growth

The BEST Residential Interior Design Podcasts - Episode 214

We’ve got nine essential interior design business podcasts episodes for y’all today. They’re coming at you from hosts Joy Nan Rodia, Terri Taylor, Darla Powell, Dennis Scully, LuAnn Nigara, Michelle Lynne, Melissa Galt, Laura Thornton and Kate Greunke.

Today’s podcast guests are Ann Pyne and her daughter Elizabeth Pyne, Deanne Bridenstine and Daniela Furtado.

If you’re looking to grow or start your interior design business, I guarantee that there is some nugget of info in today’s podcasts that will help you level up. Enjoy.

  • The Interior Design Experience Podcast - Joy Nan Rodia - Designing for the Millennial Lifestyle: A Guide to Creating Inviting Spaces - 12 min

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - 5 Ways Design Fees Are Better Than Hourly Rates - 22 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Are Spam Comments Actually Good for Engagement? - 7 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - How do you build a design firm that lasts 100 years? Ask McMillen - 56 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: The Top 5 Challenges Experienced by Small Businesses and How to Overcome Them - 31 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Advice You Should NEVER Take In Your Interior Design Business - 33 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Hybrid Career Designer Deanne Bridenstine on Hiding Your Stuff - 36 min

  • The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk about Four Pillars of Building Trust with our Clients - 29 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - The Top SEO Secrets Every Home Industry Professional Should Know - 58 min

The Interior Design Experience Podcast - Joy Nan Rodia - Designing for the Millennial Lifestyle: A Guide to Creating Inviting Spaces - 12 min

When it comes to interior design, millennials are redefining the game.

This generation, born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s, has a unique mindset about creating spaces that resonate with their values, aesthetics, and functionality. With access to endless inspiration through platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, millennials have learned to curate their homes to reflect their personalities and lifestyles.

But there is more to it than just following trends, as this generation is also embracing sustainability, minimalism, and personalization.

In this episode , host Joy Nan Rodia will be discussing the various factors that influence this generation's choices, from their digital upbringing to their eco-consciousness. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the fascinating world of Millennials and interior design together

Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - 5 Ways Design Fees Are Better Than Hourly Rates - 22 min

In this episode, host Terri Taylor is going over the differences between working on an hourly basis vs. working on a fee basis as a designer and why she switched to working on a fee basis in my own business.

Not only is selling your services as a package deal beneficial to your clients, but it’s also beneficial to your business. By presenting your work as a fee-based service, your billing process, project management, and client commitment rates will improve.

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • Why charging hourly rates won’t get you the compensation you deserve

  • The benefits of presenting your services as a package deal

  • How a fee-based business makes billing more efficient

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Are Spam Comments Actually Good for Engagement? - 7 min

If you have an Instagram account, whether it’s personal or for business, you’ve definitely gotten spam comments before. Promote it on this! Send a pic! These phrases probably look familiar, but how can you be sure it’s really spam and not a business opportunity? Our Social Media Managers, Sydney and Whitney, are here to give you the rundown on all things spam comments - and most importantly, how to delete them for good!

Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - How do you build a design firm that lasts 100 years? Ask McMillen - 56 min

There are long-lived design firms, and then there’s McMillen: The venerable New York institution is currently celebrating its 99th year in business. Along the way McMillen has served as a proving ground for designers like Mark Hampton and Albert Hadley, and completed projects for everyone from Babe Paley to Microsoft’s Paul Allen.

McMillen is not a family firm, but president Ann Pyne and her daughter Elizabeth Pyne both grew up in the business and are steeped in its traditions and lore. On this episode of the podcast they speak with host Dennis Scully about why interior design is more about people than product, why they’re not worried about the rise of artificial intelligence, and what it takes for a design business to last a century.

Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: The Top 5 Challenges Experienced by Small Businesses and How to Overcome Them - 31 min

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is sharing a guide for small business owners who are looking for solutions for the Top 5 challenges many small businesses deal with everyday. We'll talk about financial stability, competition, government, hiring and retaining employees, and technology and digital transformation.

LuAnn Nigara's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “Create a compliance calendar that includes all the important dates for tasks such as taxes, insurance policy renewals, and permit renewals.” LuAnn

  • “Invest in your team’s development and consider bonuses and career growth opportunities to keep your top talent engaged.” LuAnn

  • “Enhance the customer experience by offering online ordering, chat support, and personalized marketing.” LuAnn

Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Advice You Should NEVER Take In Your Interior Design Business - 33 min

In this episode, host Michelle Lynne breaks down all of the worst advice that she ever received when she was building her business, and goes into what you should do and how you should be thinking instead. 

Understanding who to take advice from as a baby designer, and getting plugged in to a community of like minded business owners is a key element to your growth and development in your business. 

The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Hybrid Career Designer Deanne Bridenstine on Hiding Your Stuff - 36 min

In todays episode of The Affluent Creative, host Melissa Galt chats with her guest client and dear friend, Deanne Bridenstine to discuss her journey from architecture to entrepreneurship. Deanne is the principal designer and CEO of Pure Design Interiors, as well as the director of merchandising and design for Tailored Closets and Premier Garages. I’ve been so fortunate to watch her growth as a designer and am delighted to give her the opportunity to share her insights and journey with you.

Throughout our conversation, we dive into her strategic approach towards sustainable growth and how transforming Pure Design into a boutique firm has been instrumental in reaching her revenue goals. Deanne also talks about the significant impact her partnership with Tailored Living has had on her business. We uncover Deanne's trials and triumphs in transitioning from the corporate world to owning a small business in the home building industry. 

She details how she overcame networking fears and learned to capitalize on current trends in closet and garage organization systems in a way that was pivotal for her partnership with Tailored Closets and Premier Garages. Deanne also shares her remote work experiences in Venice and West Africa, and the benefits of breaking away from routine for motivation. Deanne is a wealth of practical knowledge and you are not going to want to miss our conversation. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey where creativity, design, and business intersect!

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Deanne Bridenstine's transition from architecture to entrepreneurship 

  • How she transformed Pure Design into a boutique firm 

  • Her strategies for sustainable growth within design firms

  • Deanne's experiences in overcoming networking fears when transitioning from corporate to small business ownership

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk about Four Pillars of Building Trust with our Clients - 29 min

In today’s episode, host Laura Thornton talks about the art of building trust and rapport with both future and existing clients.

The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - The Top SEO Secrets Every Home Industry Professional Should Know - 58 min

I don’t normally interview other marketers on my podcast, but sometimes the opportunity is just too good to pass up. If you feel confused about SEO and wish there was an SEO expert who specializes in the design-build industry, today is your day! 

My guest on The Kate Show today is Daniela Furtado of Findable Digital Marketing. When I did my research on her agency, I felt like I’d found my “marketing sister from another mister.” She is a highly focused, niche-specific specialist who leads a team of other women. (Sound familiar?) Plus, she has the same no-nonsense approach to search engine optimization that I rant about often on this show. Get ready to have your burning SEO questions answered, explained, and expounded.


Podcast Your Way to Interior Design Business Success


The Business Behind Beautiful Interiors: Podcasts for Interior Designers