Interior Design Business Mastery: Top Podcast Picks

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 201

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts is chock-full of so much actionable info for all you interior design business owners.

We’ve got TEN episodes from hosts Kimberley Seldon, Rachel Larraine, Josh Cooperman, Kylie Tyrell, Marc Müskens, Desi Creswell, Kaitlin Petersen, Darla Powell, Gail Doby, Erin Weir and Michael Boodro.

Today’s podcast guests include Darla Powell, Jessica Phelps, Jenn Feldman, Scott James King, Courtney McCleod, Alexis Krystina, Carrie Dillon, Joy Moyler, Jenny Wolf and Mark Cunningham.

So…who’s ready to level up their interior design business???

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Get Your Ideal Client On Instagram with Darla Powell - 34 min

  • The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Sustainability, Creativity, and the Power of Responsible Resourcing - 37 min

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Superior Design is Like Your Favorite Playlist with Jenn Feldman - 1 hr, 2 min

  • Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 6 limiting beliefs holding you back - 16 min

  • Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Designing for all senses with Scott James King - 56 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - How to Stop Procrastinating - 20 min

  • Trade Tales - Kaitlin Petersen - “Trust the process” is right there in Courtney McCleod’s onboarding letter - 53 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - How to Become Financially Empowered as a Business Owner - 31 min

  • Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - A Look Inside the World of Textiles (Carrie Dillon) - 39 min

  • The Chairish Podcast - Michael Boodro - Has Ralph Lauren Reshaped American Interior Design? - 40 min

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Get Your Ideal Client On Instagram with Darla Powell - 34 min

If you want to gain more from Instagram than praise from fellow designers, than you have to get intentional. Your ideal client is likely online and looking for you. Have you peppered your feed with the kind of information that she’s looking for? SEO and UX expert, Darla Powell, says anyone can create a compelling message and reach their ideal clients.

In this episode we learn:

  • optimize your user handle and name on your Instagram account

  • grow your account with proactive engagement

  • engage with suppliers and vendors if your clients are doing the same

  • growing an online presence is a long-game

  • authenticity will attract your ideal clients

The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Sustainability, Creativity, and the Power of Responsible Resourcing - 37 min

In this episode, host Rachel Larraine welcomes Jessica Phelps, the founder of Trād Furnishings, to the podcast to talk about sustainability, creativity, and responsible resourcing. Through Trād Furnishings, Jessica offers a great, sustainable solution to a problem most designers have at some point: leftover, unused materials from a job. Sometimes we order too much of something or it doesn’t work as we expected it to, but we aren’t able to return it. These items often sit for years, unused, or are discarded. So Jessica created Trād Furnishings to give these items a new life in another designer’s project.

Jessica shares the process of how she brought this business to life, why it can be a huge help to designers in San Diego, and her hopes for expansion in the future.

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Superior Design is Like Your Favorite Playlist with Jenn Feldman - 1 hr, 2 min

In today’s episode, host Josh Cooperman is speaking with Jenn Feldman, an amazing designer with equally strong musical taste. No, really!

Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 6 limiting beliefs holding you back - 16 min

Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Designing for all senses with Scott James King - 56 min

In this episode, host Marc Müskens explores the fascinating world of multi-sensory design with Scott James King. How can it elevate your interior design projects? Discover how colors, sounds, smells, and even weight impacts our perceptions and emotions. Join us on this sensational journey and unlock the full power of your interior designs!

  1. What is Multi-Sensory Design: The intentional use of sensory stimulation and enhance experiences in your design, backed by scientific research.

  2. Childhood Nostalgia Revived: Recreate magical childhood memories by triggering deep emotions just with sensory design elements.

  3. Color Taste Influence: Explore the profound connection between color and taste perception, shaping our emotions and preferences.

  4. Sonic Environments: Use soundscapes to transform interiors into welcoming havens.

  5. The Impact of Weight: Understand how the weight of objects influences our perception of quality and value in design.

  6. Aroma's Design Role: Aromas in your interior design spaces have the strongest ability to evoke memories and emotions.

  7. Music vs. Soundscapes: Differentiate the use of music and soundscapes in design, each impacting emotions and experiences uniquely.

  8. Quality Perception: Explore how an item, from chair to decor, shapes our perception of its quality and durability.

  9. Sensory Myths Unveiled: Reflect on how sensory perceptions can lead to myths and misconceptions, influencing design choices.

  10. Embrace Sensory Diversity: Consider all senses in design to create truly immersive and impactful spaces.

In their next episode, Marc promises to unravel the mysteries of interior design. They'll be exploring the intersection of science, art and emotion to transform spaces and elevate our daily lives. Don't miss out!

The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - How to Stop Procrastinating - 20 min

Whether your flavor of procrastination looks like choosing to do anything but work, or what host Desi Creswell calls “procrasti-working,” she’s here to empower us with tools for navigating procrastination so we can notice it and stop it in its tracks.

Discover how to stop procrastination from holding you back from the business and life you really want. Hear the difference between putting something off versus active procrastination, why procrastination currently feels out of your control, and how to build a mindset that will prevent it from happening as frequently.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • The difference between putting something off until later and active procrastination.

  • How I see procrastination showing up for my clients.

  • What’s happening when you find yourself “procrasti-working.”

  • Why procrastination feels out of your control.

  • The common sources of procrastination.

  • How to plan for a true break.

Trade Tales - Kaitlin Petersen - “Trust the process” is right there in Courtney McCleod’s onboarding letter - 53 min

Courtney McLeod's early encounter with a take-charge client left her project in ruins—and almost derailed her firm’s growth. The story of her rebound is a masterclass in taking steps to secure your clients’ trust before it’s too late. On this episode of the podcast, she shares how her first showhouse experience provided her business with an unexpected lifeline, why she always asks clients to define what a successful project means to them, and how she’s finding purpose in creating opportunities for the industry’s underrepresented groups. 

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - How to Become Financially Empowered as a Business Owner - 31 min

Are you a new business owner wondering when you’ll start to see some profit? Our guest today, Alexis Krystina, is a Certified Public Accountant who encourages all business owners to educate themselves in finance and create sales goals. She also shares some insight on when to hire a CPA, the benefits of getting a loan, and much more.

Alexis is a CPA, the founder of Pink Moon Financial, LLC, and the creator of The House of Enchanted Finance. She's dedicated to making taxes and bookkeeping easy and magical.

Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - A Look Inside the World of Textiles (Carrie Dillon) - 39 min

Textiles are one of the most versatile and eye-catching elements you can incorporate into your designs. Keeping up with the latest trends and advances in manufacturing, design and sustainability can be a challenge, though. Fortunately, there are industry resources that can help to guide you.

In this podcast, hosts Gail Doby and Erin Weir talk with Carrie Dillon, managing director of the International Textile Alliance (ITA), a nonprofit business membership association of manufacturers and suppliers to the industry that works to promote the textile industry, educate members, and provide opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange. The ITA also operates an Educational Foundation that provides learning opportunities and scholarships to students and seeks to encourage them to enter the industry.

Interior designers may be familiar with ITA through its trade show, Interwoven (formerly known as Showtime), held each May and November in High Point, North Carolina. Carrie was instrumental in the recent rebranding of the event, which focused on improving the buyer experience and expanding the educational content. Although oriented toward major purchasers of textiles, such as furniture manufacturers, interior designers are welcome to attend, said Carrie. They are most likely to want to tour the temporary exhibition hall and the Trends Gallery, where they can see samples of how new textiles have been applied to furniture and other products.

Carrie explained that some of the exhibitors will sell their textiles as cut yardage for orders of fifty yards or less. She advised designers who are interested in purchasing textiles from a particular exhibitor to plan in advance to find out if they fill smaller orders and to make an appointment, as few allow walk-ins due to the high volume of traffic during the show.

Among its other activities, ITA is involved in promoting the recycling, repurposing and circularity of textiles to keep used materials out of landfills. They also collaborate with global trends forecasting agency Fashion Snoops to inform those in the industry about upcoming trends and help “connect the dots” from design to manufacturing to consumer buying habits.

During their conversation, Gail, Erin and Carrie touched on a number of other topics, including the range of ITA’s educational offerings for members and students, developments in performance fabrics and the hazards of PFAs, and the advancement of women in the industry. For these and other topics, including Carrie’s new dog’s mysterious breed, listen to the entire podcast.

The Chairish Podcast - Michael Boodro - Has Ralph Lauren Reshaped American Interior Design? - 40 min

On the 40th anniversary of Ralph Lauren Home, which is being celebrated with a lavish new book, three former RL staffers who went on to establish their own successful careers—Joy Moyler, Jenny Wolf and Mark Cunningham—look at Ralph Lauren’s impact on two generations of American interior designers, their own memories of working for the company and what they learned, how the firm attracts and retains top-tier talent, and why Ralph Lauren’s multi-faceted dreams of the American home remain so potent and so powerful.


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