The Business of Beautiful Spaces: Essential Podcasts for Residential Interior Designers

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 158

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts includes 3 new episodes from hosts Kimberley Seldon, Desi Creswell & Darla Powell.

Today’s podcast guests include Audrey Faust and Katie McCaffrey.

If you want to make your design business better, these are three of the essential podcasts to help you get started.

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Path to Prosperity with Audrey Faust - 40 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Reclaim 5 Hours Per Week - Part 2 - 20 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - How to Create a Joyful Experience for Your Interior Design Clients - 40 min

Business of Design - Path to Prosperity with Audrey Faust - 40 min

There is power in understanding and using your numbers to grow your business, make decisions and build long-term independent wealth. When you begin a diet, you look at the number to see where you are starting from. The same thing is true for any financial makeover. Your financial data is the key to unleashing your true potential numbers.

In this episode we learn:

  • your personal assets minus debt equals your net worth

  • use the 7% rule to determine when to pay off debt early

  • if you’re new to investing, invest in mutual funds to grow your wealth

  • the #1 reason most people don’t become rich

  • save first, even $50 per month will add up

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Interior Design Business CEO - Reclaim 5 Hours Per Week - Part 2 - 20 min

In this follow-up episode, host Desi Creswell shares the three things that needed to shift internally for her to reclaim five hours per week while continuing to serve her clients, produce weekly content, and execute a full launch for Out of Overwhelm. Hear why you have to combine the strategies with the mindset to effectively reclaim more time and how evaluating your self-concept and your relationship with your business will create huge ripple effects.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • 3 things that needed to shift internally for me to reclaim 5 hours per week.

  • What is required to implement the time management strategies I offer.

  • How to shift the way you show up in your business. 

  • What radical honesty in action looks like.

  • How to strengthen your relationship with yourself and your business.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - How to Create a Joyful Experience for Your Interior Design Clients - 40 min

Interior design projects can sometimes be nerve-wracking for the client. While a beautiful design reveal can spark a lot of joy, there are many stressful steps that lead up to that moment, like budgeting, invoicing, and communication. How can we make sure the client is having a joyful experience throughout the entire process? Today’s guest, designer Katie McCaffrey, excels in creating a joyful experience for her clients from start to finish.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Podcast Power: Transforming Your Interior Design Business


Design Your Success: Top Interior Design Business Podcasts for Residential Designers