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The Art of Business in Interior Design: Podcast Essentials
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

The Art of Business in Interior Design: Podcast Essentials

The Art of Business in Interior Design: Podcast Essentials

We’ve got six essential interior design business podcasts episodes for y’all today. They’re coming at you from hosts Terri Taylor, Michele Williams, LuAnn Nigara, Michelle Lynne, Melissa Galt and Laura Thornton.

Today’s sole podcast guest is style coach Angela Foster, .

Unless your residential interior design firm is absolutely perfect in every conceivable way, I bet there is some nugget of info in today’s podcasts that will help you level up. Enjoy.

Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - The Tipping Point - 20 min

Profit Is A Choice - Michele Williams - Dressing With Confidence in Your Business - 49 min

Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: Fall Marketing Strategies for Your Window Treatment Business - 36 min

Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - The Recipe For A Big Girl Business - 25 min

The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Unlocking Business Growth with Effective Design Contracts: An In-depth Guide - 55 min

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk Under-Charging Syndrome - 22 min

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