The Interior DesignHer Blog

real-world interior design business education

How to Improve the Business-Side of Your Interior Design Business
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

How to Improve the Business-Side of Your Interior Design Business

Residential interior designers are among the most creative of creative business owners in the entire world. Transforming a house into a home that combines beauty, function, style and meaning is not a task for the unimaginative.

Unfortunately…a LOT of interior designers fail at their business not because of their skill as a designer, but because they struggle with the business side of their interior design business. That’s why we invited / begged Gail Doby to give us some advice on how we can improve the business side of our interior design business.

For those that don’t know, Gail Doby is one of the most skilled and well-known interior design business coaches in the world. With 20+ years’ experience running her own design firm (plus degrees in Finance, Banking and Interior Design), Gail knows what she’s talking about.

In our Q&A interview, we dove deep into interior design business processes, how design school fails interior designers, and how easily you can implement effective systems & processes into your interior design business. Hope this helps :)

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