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We Review The KEY: Nancy Ganzekaufer’s Pricing Tool for Interior Designers
Douglas Robb Douglas Robb

We Review The KEY: Nancy Ganzekaufer’s Pricing Tool for Interior Designers

We Review The KEY: Nancy Ganzekaufer’s Pricing Tool for Interior Designers

Interior design business coach Nancy Ganzekaufer has created a downloadable pricing tool for interior designers called The KEY.

Like many of you, I was introduced to Nancy by her many appearances on LuAnn Nigara’s podcast - A Well Designed Business. During Nancy’s chats with LuAnn, Nancy has always shared a ton of high-quality, actionable advice. As LuAnn says, Nancy Ganzekaufer is one #smartlady.

If The KEY can do half of what Nancy told me it can do for interior designers, I needed to take a long, hard look at The KEY, put it through it’s paces & share my findings with the Interior DesignHer community. So that’s what I did.

After analyzing The KEY, I reached out to Nancy and set up an in-depth Q&A with her about The KEY for this article & accompanying video interview.

So…without any further ado, here is my interview with Nancy Ganzekaufer as we discuss The KEY.

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