Level Up Your Interior Design Business With These Podcasts

The TOP Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 81

Hey designers….we’ve got 6 great interior design podcasts for your listening & learning pleasure this fine Monday morning. Today’s interior design podcasts episodes come from LuAnn Nigara, Terri Taylor, Darla Powell, Kate (The Socialite) Greunke & Dennis Scully. So much good stuff to help us grow & improve our businesses.

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Power Talk Friday: Darla Powell: Instagram for Interior Designers - 1 hr, 6 min

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make Working With Contractors - 31 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Start Tagging Vendors on Your Social Media and Grow Your Design Business - 10 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: A Fellow Trade Disrespected Me - 31 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate the Socialite - How to Easily Understand Your Website Analytics - 26 min

  • The Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - How the duo behind Nickey Kehoe built a modern, multifaceted design business - 49 min

A Well-Designed Business - Power Talk Friday: Darla Powell: Instagram for Interior Designers - 1 hr, 6 min

In this past Friday’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara was joined by Darla Powell of Wingnut Social. Due to a technological glitch in the matrix, I was unable to include this awesome episode in Friday’s post. :(

If you’re an avid listener of the show, you know how much of a social media guru Darla is. Now, she has come out with a course called Instagram for Interior Designers which consists of everything you would learn about Instagram if you were to personally pick her brain.

Pick It Apart

  • [10:13] Darla tells us about her new course Instagram for Interior Designers.

  • [23:20] The importance of knowing yourself and your value proposition before tackling your social media strategy.

  • [31:00] Why you need to have your ducks in a row, for example having your website in order. 

  • [35:20] LuAnn and Darla talk about module two of Instagram for Interior Designers.

  • [53:25] Wingnut’s specific impact on client Anne Gillyard’s business grOH! Playrooms.

  • [59:25] How we can get the Instagram for Interior Designers course.

LuAnn Nigara and Darla Powell's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “It’s a no-brainer to me. You can’t not be investing in marketing. It’s a key component to business” - LuAnn Nigara

  • “You have to lock in your value proposition before doing anything, otherwise you’re just throwing stuff at the wall and hoping it sticks.” - Darla Powell 

  • “Regardless of what your marketing budget is, start small.” - Darla Powell

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Interior Design Business - Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make Working With Contractors - 31 min

Do you love remodeling jobs? Host Terri Taylor loves the imagination and creativity that goes into taking something run down and turning it into something amazing. 

A lot of designers enjoy remodeling jobs but they don’t know how to make them profitable. That stems from not knowing how to handle and position yourself with the contractor, so in this episode, Terri covers the mistakes designers make when working with contractors to help you avoid them next time!

If you’re making some of these mistakes, it’s not your fault! No one ever taught you about this so how would you have known? Now you’ll be armed with the information you need and be in a better position than ever. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • How to avoid giving away your job to contractors 

  • The problem with the numbers contractors throw out

  • What you need to know about contracting laws

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: Start Tagging Vendors on Your Social Media and Grow Your Design Business - 10 min

Are you tagging your vendors on your social media posts? If not, you might be leaving a lot on the table.

A lot of interior designers will refuse to tag vendors of the products they’ve sourced for clients on social media. But when you do share vendors, you’re increasing the chances of these vendors sharing your work. You don’t have to tag every vendor; you can be strategic about whom you tag. If you’re trying to get brand reach and awareness, this is a terrific strategy.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Window Treatments for Profit - What Would Lu Do?: A Fellow Trade Disrespected Me - 31 min

Today on Window Treatments for Profit, super-host LuAnn Nigara talks about how she would handle being disrespected by a fellow trade, what we should accept, and what we definitely shouldn't! Grab a pen and paper for this one.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show - How to Easily Understand Your Website Analytics - 26 min

According to host Kate Greunke "I need more website traffic," is a common statement that hits her inbox from interior designers, home stagers, and organizers who want more clients. However, many business owners aren't aware of their existing website traffic stats.

This presents a problem: Unless you know where you are, you can't know where you need to go. "I look at my website analytics, but I can't make sense of them." Relatable much? If either of these situations describes you, prepare to be enlightened.

Today on The Kate Show, Kate is breaking down the website traffic and analytics mystery. You'll learn where to find your website data, what parts you should focus on, and how to improve them overall so that you can get more of the right leads coming to your website.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Business of Home Podcast - How the duo behind Nickey Kehoe built a modern, multifaceted design business - 49 min

After a chance meeting in Brooklyn brought them together, Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe forged a partnership that has survived a cross country move and two decades in business.

Today, both the firm and the retail operation are thriving, and Nickey Kehoe is one of LA’s most celebrated young design brands. On this episode of the podcast, the duo talk with host Dennis Scully about the secrets of a long-term partnership, finding the right amount of risk taking in their business, and why they want to be known for a feel, not a look.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Designers LOVE LuAnn Nigara’s Podcast - A Well-Designed Business


Level Up your Interior Design Business with these Interior Design Podcasts