Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 59

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 59 - January 16, 2023

I’ve got seven marvelous Monday morning interior design podcasts for y’all. Happy listening & learning :)

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Design the Business You Love - 27 min

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams - Aligning Your Values with Your Daily Actions - 48 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Finding Your Passion in the Midst of a Storm with Desiree Washington - 43 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Instagram Group Profiles and Collaborative Collections: New Instagram Updates 2023 - 6 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - 7 Unexpected Ways to Get Clients When You’re Starting Out or Stuck - 33 min

  • The Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - Society Social wants to be every Grandmillennial's favorite brand - 53 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - Why I Chose Residential Interior Design Over Commercial - 14 min

Interior Design Business - Design the Business You Love - 27 min

According to host Terri Taylor, designing a business is exactly like designing a room. 

Don’t believe her? By the end of this episode, Terri says we’ll know exactly what she means. 

In this episode, Terri is taking a look at what the design process is like and how to apply it to creating your business. The great thing about this is that you already know how to design a room! That means you already know the formula to design the business you want. You’re halfway there!

From vision boards to goal-setting, Terri is going to show us how to design our interior design businesses. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit is a Choice - Aligning Your Values with Your Daily Actions - 48 min

In today’s episode, host Michele Williams speaks with Sandra Halling. Sandra describes herself as a recovering corporate consultant turned anti-hustle, pro-equity, productivity coach. We're going to be discussing all about listening to ourselves, having an awareness, and then creating some opportunities to protect ourselves while we're also building our firms. This conversation will help you think deeply about caring for yourself and caring for your business so that you can care for your clients.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Future Identity

  • Worthiness

  • Intention

  • Professional Balance

Key Thoughts:

  • I've been working through a process of understanding what it really looks like in a regulated mindset. To be strong and kind. At the same time. Michele (4:26) 

  • The thing that I like to offer as a practical aspect of buffer time is that I think it comes in different flavors. If there's the buffer that we're talking about, which is space before and after vacation, that's one version of it. Another version of buffer is the space between meetings. For example, with podcast interviews, I always put 30 minutes of buffer before, so that I have plenty of time to just get myself settled, make a cup of herbal tea, grab a notebook and just be really ready and centered when the interview starts. Sandra Halling (12:53) 

  • I think one of the big things that we've actually been talking about or talking around without naming exactly, is being intentional with ourselves, right, because we first have to be intentional with ourselves to be intentional with our business. Michele (21:35) 

  • Goals, to me, are outcomes. They're metrics, they're clear, they're specific, you know when you've got them. Whereas a state is an emotional state. It could be something like I am brave or I am conscientious. Sandra Halling (24:23) 

  • The other piece that you mentioned, connecting from the head to the heart is, I believe that worthiness, enoughness, and empowerment are inside jobs. Nobody can give that to you. You have to give it to yourself. Sandra Halling (29:09)  

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - Finding Your Passion in the Midst of a Storm with Desiree Washington - 43 min

In this episode, host Michelle Lynne interviews Desiree Washington, who started her business two months before the pandemic and during her first year of motherhood.

Desiree founded Designs By Des Interiors to help busy moms and professionals like herself create healthy spaces that would foster growth. By working through her own challenging experiences, she created healthy, comfortable environments for her growing family through a budget-friendly approach.

With a background in architecture, lighting, and psychology, she has helped to create her empire around what she loves. Desiree has also completed Michelle’s Interior Design Business Bakery Program.

Despite her prior education and experience, Desiree still encounters imposter syndrome. In this episode, Michelle & Desiree chat about how becoming a mom changed her outlook as a designer, her favorite part of having an interior design business, and her next big business move.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: Instagram Group Profiles and Collaborative Collections: New Instagram Updates 2023 - 6 min

What are the latest Instagram updates in 2023? Social Media Manager Abby Wideman is here to share some exciting new features coming to Instagram this year, including Group Profiles and Collaborative Collections. Tune in to see how you can take advantage of these new features as an interior designer and business owner.

  • Last year, Instagram’s main goal was transparency, which was demonstrated through insight updates and peeling the curtain back on the algorithm. This year, one of their biggest initiatives is connection: connecting people to things they love, and connecting them to one another. They are testing some new updates, including group profiles. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Group profiles are a place where you can have multiple users post to it. What will this look like? When you’re logged into an account that has access to a group profile, whenever you go to share any type of content (stories, reels, or feed posts), you’ll have the option to share it to your personal profile or to share it to the group profile…or both! Think of it as Facebook groups, but on Instagram. This could change a lot for social media agencies in particular as it won’t require you to log in to all of your clients accounts but rather simply have access via a group profile. It will also be great for teams that have a social media account and have multiple posters without risking a security breach.

  • Another update coming to Instagram in 2023 is Collaborative Collections. Collections can be found in your saved photos on Instagram and are great for staying organized. Let’s say you have 10 kitchen pictures saved, and 1 bathroom picture, but you don’t want them all mixed up. You can create separate folders, or collections, for different spaces. Previously, these collections have been private to individual users. These collections will now be able to be collaborative shared and added to by other users. For interior designers, this will be great because you can share these collections with other team members. Think of it as a Pinterest board or a mood board. You can use collaborative collections to save your ideas and share them with one another.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - 7 Unexpected Ways to Get Clients When You’re Starting Out or Stuck - 33 min

We all hit a rut at some point in our design careers. Perhaps you've gotten to a place where business seems to have slowed down and you want to hit the refresh button to jumpstart yourself into a new market of clients. Or, maybe you are a budding new designer, trying to build up your portfolio and make it into your ideal client market. 

Whether you are new to the game or simply looking for a new perspective, you need to step outside of your comfort zone and use the tools you have at your disposal to expand your business. That also means looking for clients in places that you may have yet to consider.

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt is diving into 7 unexpected ways to find clients when you are just starting out or stuck in your business. Think of it as both inspiration and strategic guidance to help you get from starting out into a place of momentum and accomplishment. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Seven out-of-the-box solutions to tracking down new markets for potential clients

  • Why being your own client can be especially rewarding

  • The importance of leveraging social media in your business

  • Why doing whatever it takes will get you farther than just stopping at your best

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Business of Home Podcast - Society Social wants to be every Grandmillennial's favorite brand - 53 min

In 2011, Roxy Owens left behind a marketing career to start a furniture and decor brand dedicated to playful traditionalism. Eight years later, the rise of “grandmillennial” style helped Society Social find its moment—Owens is coming off a year of record growth and an expansive new collaboration with The Colony hotel in Palm Beach. On this episode of the podcast, she speaks about the tension between being inspiring and being real on social media, how customer loyalty and a few smart pivots got her through COVID, and why prioritizing mental health is so important for business owners.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - Why I Chose Residential Interior Design Over Commercial - 14 min

Ever wonder why interior designers pick between residential and commercial design?

In today's episode, host Rebecca Ward gives us the inside scoop on what it's like to be a residential interior designer. Based on her experiences, she outlines the pros and cons of working with clients one-on-one.

If you need help deciding between residential and commercial interior design, listen to this episode to help you decide which interior design career suits you best.

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

  • Understand the pros and cons of residential interior design

  • Learn the 3 reasons why a residential interior design resonates with me so much

  • Discover the essential parts of working with residential design clients

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 60


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 58