Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 49

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 49 - December 27, 2022

I’ve got 6 great interior design business podcasts for you this fine post-Christmas morning. Happy listening & happy learning.

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams - Hardship is a Great Teacher in Your Business - 1 hr 16 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Elon Musk’s Latest Twitter Updates: Longer Videos and 4,000 Character Tweets - 6 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - The Three G’s for a Successful Business - 22 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - The Embrace of Change: How An Interior Designer Pivots to Become a Podcast & Messaging Coach with Bethany Wrede Peterson - 44 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Regan Baker: Building A Team That Supports Your Core Values - 55 min

  • Business Building by Design - Emily Janzen McGrath - Overcoming Anxiety, Finding Your Brand & Growing a Business God’s Way - 42 min

Profit is a Choice - Hardship is a Great Teacher in Your Business - 1 hr 16 min

Today’s episode is Michele Williams’ yearly review and process session. This joint project with Ceil DiGuglielmo of the Sew Much More podcast is something that they both love and look forward to each year. This year, Michele & Ceil took a long look at their personal lives and how they intermixed with their business lives a bit more. Listen in to hear the one thing that they both struggled with this year that they have enjoyed so much in the past.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Proud moments

  • Reading

  • Lessons Learned

  • Rest

Key Thoughts:

  • It also made us realize what's most important in our life. And in our family. It's just always that reset button. Then it also made me thankful for the business that I've built, and the processes that I have, so I could take a step away for a week or so. Michele (7:34) 

  • My job is not my whole life. Most of us started our businesses for that reason, we wanted to work it around our lives. So where did we lose our way that the business is controlling our life? Ceil DiGuglielmo (14:30) 

  • I had to and still am having to learn how to navigate that with joy, and with calm and even when it doesn't feel calm. And how to be curious, and how to be kind and soft, not hard hearted, and irritated and angry and frustrated when my plans keep getting disrupted. Michele (17:27) 

  • There are also a lot of us who are the parents of adult children, and there are times we have to stop everything, being a teachable moment because our children have become adults. But I also think that our children learn from us when they see us in difficult circumstances. Ceil DiGuglielmo (23:55) 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: Elon Musk’s Latest Twitter Updates: Longer Videos and 4,000 Character Tweets - 6 min

Elon Musk’s latest Twitter updates may include the addition of longer videos and tweets up to 4,000 characters. Wingnut Social’s Social Media Manager Hayden Medlock is here to walk us through these potential updates, the pros and cons of Twitter going long-form, and how this could impact your interior design business.


  • Twitter is planning to give users more capacity to share longer posts, either in video or text form, within the app. As you probably know, Twitter has been on shaky ground over the past few months with Elon Musk’s acquisition. There have been lots of updates, like Twitter Blue: an opt-in, paid monthly subscription that adds a blue checkmark to your account and offers early access to select new features. Musk has mentioned wanting to add  YouTube-like features into the app, enabling users to post longer video, in order to keep viewers from on the app instead of switching to another app to consume video content. He’s also said that longer tweets are coming soon, possibly up to 4,000 characters. Short-form content has been the foundation of Twitter since its inception, so this will be a big change for your Twitter feed. There is no set date as to when these features will roll out, or if they’ll be available to all users or just Twitter Blue subscribers.

  • Longer tweets will appear as normal, displaying around 280 characters, with the message “show more” to expand into a longer panel. This allows for users to share longer tweets without disrupting the normal Twitter stream feel. There is also a possibility that, rather than “show more,” it will display how many characters remain in the tweet (ie “remaining 3,000 characters”). It’s possible that displaying this remaining character number and indicating how long the tweet is may reduce the amount of interaction with the tweet. Users may also grow tired of clicking to expand longer tweets and stop interacting with those altogether. Another concern is whether or not Twitter users are asking for this feature to begin with. Most users gravitate to Twitter because of its short-form nature.

  • What does this all mean for interior designers? Long-form content on Twitter could be a great way to share about your business and tap into an audience that you may not have been able to connect with previously via short-form content. You may have felt limited in the past by Tweets with a lower character count. Regardless, we recommend that you take advantage of as many platforms as you can to get your business out there! The easiest way to do this is by repurposing content that you’ve already created for other platforms, like Instagram and TikTok, and posting that to Twitter as well.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - The Three G’s for a Successful Business - 22 min

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt discusses her Three G’s for a Successful Business

When aiming for success, sometimes the biggest obstacles are your own personal thoughts and beliefs. Whether you are limiting yourself, doubting yourself, or just not pushing yourself hard enough, all of these can hold you back from the greatness that you are so capable of!

That’s where the Three Gs of Success will help. I’m talking about Gratitude, Goals, and Grit, in that order. These three qualities are so important in pushing yourself to become the best creative that you can be. You need to show gratitude for the successes you’ve already had, set goals for the success you want to achieve, and have grit to face the challenges ahead.

In today’s episode, I am diving into what the Three Gs of Success look like, why they are so important in helping you achieve success, and how to incorporate them into your daily life.


  • How practicing gratitude in your daily life can shift your thinking towards success

  • Why it is so important to set specific and ambitious goals for yourself

  • How building grit can help yourself learn to tackle obstacles in the way of your success

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - The Embrace of Change: How An Interior Designer Pivots to Become a Podcast & Messaging Coach with Bethany Wrede Peterson - 44 min

Have you been thinking of pivoting but are still unsure? Perhaps, you want to start a podcast? Well, you're definitely going to find this episode helpful. Why? Because host Rebecca Ward’s podcast coach - Bethany Wrede Peterson - is here to share her inspiring interior design journey with us.

Instead of getting a degree, Bethany began her interior design career as an intern. What gave her the confidence to do this? Her learning-by-doing approach to her interior design career. It was based on the belief that disciplines are all-encompassing.

The result? Since she didn't let what she lacked stop her from becoming an interior designer, she started her own business and podcasts geared toward helping others in the field.

The interior design field can also be a stepping stone into another career. So if you need some inspiration on when and how to pivot your interior design, this one is for you.


  • Learn the advantages of having the same life experiences as your target market

  • Find out how to get into interior design without a degree and the career paths you can take after working as an interior designer

  • Discover the 4 questions you need to ask to craft your brand message

Show Notes:

2:16 – How Bethany got into Interior Design without having to finish a design degree

10:18 – How she was able to apply everything she has studied because it’s all-encompassing

11:34 – The advantages of having the same life experiences as your target market

12:08 – The experiences that helped her start her own company and her transition into podcasting

14:25 – Two career paths you can take after working as an interior designer

22:14 – How to have the right mindset when dealing with pivots in life

24:39 – Why you should never assume a career is right for you

27:37 – What your personal brand really represent

28:40 – The importance of having a niche, how to pick one, and how to attract them

31:57 – Two routes you can take to test if interior design is for you without breaking the bank

33:22 – The 90% of HGTV that we do not see

34:52 – 4 questions her eight-week concept-to-completion coaching course Find Your Voice will help you answer

36:14 – What you can come away with after completing Find Your Voice

37:39 – What Arrived Daily Podcast is all about and how it’s different from Arrived Podcast

You can check out this podcast episode here:

A Well-Designed Business - Regan Baker: Building A Team That Supports Your Core Values - 55 min

In today’s episode of A Well-Designed Business, host LuAnn Nigara is joined by Regan Baker, of Regan Baker Design. Have you ever had that client where you thought, “we could be friends!” How about that client where you noticed and were impressed with their work ethic? Why not employ them? That’s what Regan did and with three employees that were once clients of hers, she admits she wouldn’t be where she is today without them. 

Join LuAnn & Regan for a great conversation about strong leadership and building a team from places you don’t usually expect.

Show Notes

[4:39] Regan’s first experience turning a client into an employee. 

[15:18] Regan’s experience of when her long term goals have changed as time goes on.

[24:34] The milestones were that developed the ROI in Regan’s business.

[29:01] How Regan got another client of hers, Lindsay, on board as an employee.

[34:19] How Regan realistically pays people like Allie and Lindsay.

LuAnn Nigara and Regan Baker's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “I’m a firm believe that you risk things for people who you think are going to help transform your business.” - Regan Baker

  • “If you don’t have those people to help guide you, then you can’t focus on the things you want to do.” - Regan Baker

  • “The people you invest in, even if you don’t have a role for them, you know that they can jump in and make it work.” - Regan Baker

  • “An effective director of operations doesn’t have to come from a design background. Business is business.” - LuAnn Nigara

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business Building by Design - Overcoming Anxiety, Finding Your Brand & Growing a Business God’s Way - 42 min

Highlights of today’s episode

  1. Let God orchestrate your journey – With Him at the helm you cannot go wrong.

  2. Growing your brand – build a foundation either through a website or blog, pushing traffic to your website or podcast.

  3. Build relationships through social media but don’t let it consume your hours each day.

  4. Grow your email marketing by utilizing the connections that you already have.

  5. Walk before you run – have your processes and procedures worked out before you get too far in.

  6. Perform the “social media litmus test” – “Does this make me feel good about myself?”

  7. Give back! – God has placed us here to serve as Robyn said “Change the trajectory of someone’s life!”

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 50


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 48