Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 28

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 28 - November 18, 2022

I’ve got 4 quality interior design podcasts for you this Friday morning. Two of my favorites in the bunch :)

  • The Interior Design Business - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Showroom Part Two - 38 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Power Talk Friday: Terri Taylor: Fly the Plane While You Build It! - 56 min

  • Hot Young Designers Club - Rebecca Plumb & Shaun Crha - Gratitude With Attitude - 52 min

  • Hub Cast - Kate Hatherell - From foreign language teaching to interior design. How Fed Whitefoot made the leap - 26 min

The Interior Design Business - A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Showroom Part Two - 38 min

The working life of an interior designer is rarely, if ever, entirely plain sailing.

As we strive to deliver projects on time, that meet our client’s brief as well as their budget, there are frequently bumps on the road to navigate, pitfalls to avoid and unforeseen difficulties that arise which challenge the most resourceful and most creative-thinking designers.

So, quite how do interior designers manage to deal with what’s thrown at them to make sure they solve the seemingly insoluble and emerge triumphant, against all odds, to the delight of all parties, especially their clients! 

Today’s episode features an interview with Philip Vergeylen and Heather Lindahl from the internationally renowned design firm, Paolo Moschino.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

A Well-Designed Business - Power Talk Friday: Terri Taylor: Fly the Plane While You Build It! - 56 min

In today’s podcast, host LuAnn Nigara interviews Terri Taylor of the Interior Design Business Academy.

Terri Taylor is back to keep inspiring every single one of us! Today we talk about how did the Interior Design Business Academy start, and tells us about the IDBA Coaching & Education programs!

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Hot Young Designers Club - Gratitude With Attitude - 52 min

We all have experienced exhaustion as designers in the last few years. With that said, we are grateful for some things that have come out of the challenging time we all have faced. There is nothing like adversity to bring people together. 

In this episode, hosts Rebecca Plumb & Shaun Crha talk about:

  • The improvements vendors have made in the last few years

  • Making choices based on the ease of ordering

  • Loving 3D walkthrough showrooms on vendor websites

  • The immersion of life and work

  • Grateful to have more deep connections in person

  • Why a room unphotographed, is a room failed

  • Setting terrible expectations for the clients

  • Problems in shipping

  • Going to Las Vegas for KBIS

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Hub Cast - From foreign language teaching to interior design. How Fed Whitefoot made the leap - 26 min

From foreign language teaching to interior design. How Fed Whitefoot made the leap.

In this episode, host Kate Hatherell interviews Federica Whitefoot of Whitefoot Interiors.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 29


Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 27