The Quality of Your Relationships Are Going to Make or Break Your Interior Design Business

I’m going to say something that is going to sound controversial to a lot of the interior designers who read this blog…but it shouldn’t.

The quality of your relationships are going to make OR break your interior design business.

And it’s not just lil old me who thinks so. All 5 of today’s podcasts make an argument that the quality (and quantity) of your actual human relationships are ESSENTIAL to the success of your interior design career / business.

  • The relationships you’ve built with your suppliers, contractors, trades, etc will determine what happens when something BAD happens with a project - late delivery, product damage, jobsite drama, etc. Will your supplier/contractor/plumber come to your rescue? Have you earned that goodwill?

  • Same questions for your employees, contract workers, service providers, VAs, etc? Are you part of THEIR team? Are they part of YOUR team? Or are you just a pay cheque?

  • And what about your clients? You’re not “just” designing their interior space…by transforming their home, you’re transforming how their lives will function moving into the future. You’re kinda a big deal in their lives. Do they feel the love? Do you actually give a poop emoji?

Relationships matter. How are yours?

Today’s Podcast Episodes at a Glance:

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Heather Vitti Pruett: Resilience and Relationships: Keys to Success in Her Interior Design Business - 1 hr, 3 min

  • Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - What got you here isn't going to keep you here in 2024 - 47 min

  • Home Stagers and Designers on Fire - Marianne Cherico - How to Collaborate with a Pro Organizer - 42 min

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Use Your Sales Rep with Carmen Reinour - 36 min

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Heather Vitti Pruett: Resilience and Relationships: Keys to Success in Her Interior Design Business - 1 hr, 3 min

In today‘s episode, host LuAnn Nigara chats with Heather Vitti Pruett, owner of Vitti Interiors is here to share her successes of using connections to help her business, being recognized for heart-centered projects, and her experience taking a client to small claims court. No matter what is going on in life, we always have the option to choose a different path.

Heather is an active member of the American Society of Interior Design (ASID). And we are also getting into all of the value of joining a professional organization.

Pick It Apart

  • [1:47] Heather shares her first experience taking a client to small claims court and how she won!

  • [16:43] Heather shares her positive experience with the ASID chapter in San Diego.

  • [25:58] Heather did a design remodel at her daughter’s school which was estimated to be 200K, and how she did it for 60K.

  • [37:42] As a show listener, Heather shares lessons she has learned.

  • [38:35] The thing that Heather continuously tells new students at ASID to do.

  • [43:53] Referral benefits to joining organizations like ASID.

LuAnn Nigara and Heather Vitti Pruett's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “When you treat your interior design as a business instead of a hobby, that is when it will be a business.” - Heather Vitti Pruett

  • “With networking, you never know who is going to refer you. I've gotten calls from out of the blue. Tell everyone what you do.” - Heather Vitti Pruett 

  • “Join organizations like ASID, WCAA, and IDS not only for education but for referral opportunities.” - LuAnn Nigara

  • “We all have the option to choose a different path.” - LuAnn Nigara

Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - What got you here isn't going to keep you here in 2024 - 47 min

Are you really considering where the interior design industry (and market) are going today? How you got started in this business is NOT what is going to keep you relevant.

This is one of the fastest growing and ever-changing industries out there and we as business owners must be thinking about and asking your clients for feedback.

Feedback should be considered a gift in how to understand and meet the client where they are. You must take it in stride and use it to grow. The balancing act is REAL, but if you continue to show your passion (even 23 years later) this will become your key ingredient to success. If you give your clients an experience worthy of telling their friends--they will.

Home Stagers and Designers on Fire - Marianne Cherico - How to Collaborate with a Pro Organizer - 42 min

In this episode, host Marianne Cherico speaks with Samantha Brown, Pro Organizer Coach.

You will learn:

  • Different ways you can work with organizers

  • What a "decluttering specialist" does that sets her apart

  • Why Samantha trained as a life coach in order to serve her clients better

  • What is different about working with "disorganized people"

  • Where most of Samantha's business comes from and Samantha's tips for SEO

  • Why setting up client expectations is so important

  • How Stagers and Organizers might work together or refer each other

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Use Your Sales Rep with Carmen Reinour - 36 min

The work you do as an interior design professional is challenging and complex, and so important. No one should trudge this path alone. One of your best sources for partnership and collaboration is your trusted Sales Rep. In this episode, host Kimberley Seldon talks about how to take advantage of this A-Team member to make your job easier, deliver better projects to your clients, and keep your sanity. 

In this episode we learn:

  • take time to meet with your representative to better understand the product and get inspiration

  • utilize your sales representative’s knowledge of the product to quickly source what you need

  • provide clear details when asking for assistance

  • when things go wrong, get some advice on how to proceed

  • have compassion for your sales rep and understand that life on the road isn’t always easy

  • get help maintaining your library


Interior Designers Sabotage Success


Everything You Need to Know About Interior Design Business Coaching - Q&A with Gail Doby