Profitable Design: Top Business Podcasts for Interior Designers

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 217

Today’s curated collection of interior design podcasts include episodes from hosts Rebecca Hay, Tobi Fairley, Kate Bendewald and LuAnn Nigara.

Podcast guests include Lynya Floyd and Vita Vygovska.

So much great info to help you elevate the profitability of your interior design business.

Episodes at a glance:

  • Resilient by Design  - Rebecca Hay - Buying and selling products for clients - 31 min

  • The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Leveraging Social Media Publicity with Lynya Floyd - 43 min

  • Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - 7 Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore - 48 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: Get Clarity by Mapping Out Your Next Business Level - 14 min

Resilient by Design  - Rebecca Hay - Buying and selling products for clients - 31 min

In today’s episode, host Rebecca Hay dives into the world of buying and selling products and accessories for clients.

She shares best sales practices, the number one thing not to do, and three different approaches so you can go out with the blueprint that works best for you and your business. Rebecca also shares some lessons learned, mistakes made, and how her process has evolved as well as how she shares pricing with clients.

The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Leveraging Social Media Publicity with Lynya Floyd - 43 min

In today’s episode, host Tobi Fairley brings back an episode with my go-to media expert, Lynya Floyd. Lynya is an award-winning journalist, ghostwriter, and media coach who has two decades of experience working for magazines like Glamor, Oprah, Money, and Cosmopolitan, and she’s here to offer her expertise on being in the media spotlight.

Join Tobi on this episode to discover how to leverage social media publicity. You’ll hear why learning to be in the spotlight is all about taking imperfect action, the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when pitching their message, and Lynya’s top tips for crafting your message as a thought leader in your industry.

Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - 7 Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore - 48 min

In today’s [replay] episode, host Kate Bendewald discusses designers who either miss red flags due to a lack of experience or choose to ignore them because they are eager for the work or the client was a referral from someone you know. They may be in your circle of friends or community and the hard question is really what do you do with these red flags?

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [04:20] I jump into how you can start to spot red flags BEFORE engaging with a client on a long-term basis.

  • [07:15] I start with the red flag of a potential client trying to negotiate your contract, how to stand your ground, and how to believe in your services and the contract you’ve spent time putting together.

  • [12:08] Indecisiveness in a client can make a project extremely difficult. I dive into why it’s not about how much information or time they need, but their ability to make a decision in the end.

  • [18:26] I share about discounts! Discounts on services, products, etc. and why this can be a red flag to handle head-on from the start.

  • [25:50] I talk all about boundaries ranging from communication to expected response times to setting expectations

  • [28:52] I discuss how a client who “ghosts” you or continually takes a long time to respond can be a red flag while also throwing off milestone dates and delivery dates.

  • [33:00] I share about having and finding clients who truly respect the process.

  • [36:13] I discuss reading a potential client’s tone and paying attention to how you feel with the general communication to see if working with them may be a red flag.

  • [45:50] I wrap up with the good and bad news and how identifying red flags early can help you make room for the perfect client that is out there for you.

Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: Get Clarity by Mapping Out Your Next Business Level - 14 min

In today’s episode of Window Treatments for Profit, LuAnn University instructor Vita Vygovska inspires entrepreneurs to scale up their businesses and build effective teams. She emphasizes the importance of masterminds and their power of asking the tough questions, and acknowledges the challenges and rewards of running a team.

Vita's Ah-Ha Moments:

  • “Running a team is no walk in the park, and it’s certainly not for the faint of heart.” - Vita

  • “One of the key takeaways was this notion that ‘the team that got you here is not the team that will get you there.” - Vita


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