Streamlining Success: Business Podcasts for Interior Designers

The BEST Residential Interior Design Podcasts - Episode 199

Today’s must-listen interior design business podcasts episodes come from hosts Terri Taylor, Desi Creswell, Darla Powell, Rick Campos, Melissa Galt and Laura Thornton.

Today’s one & only podcast guest is Director of Content and Community for ANDMORE - Amanda Brinkman.

If you’re a residential interior designer looking to make your business better, today’s business podcasts for interior designers is the perfect place to start.

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Abundance vs. Scarcity - 27 min

  • Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Desi has a New Group Coaching Program - 2 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Showcase Your Personality With This New Instagram Feature - 9 min

  • Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Las Vegas Market Re-Cap & High Point Market Warm Up - 19 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Your Clients Aren’t Qualified, Take the Lead - 35 min

  • The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk About Reminding our Clients we Exist - 16 min

Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Abundance vs. Scarcity - 27 min

Most designers struggle to get paid what they’re worth. Have you experienced this?

You might have felt the need to lower your prices to get a client, felt bad about charging a high price for something, or given away your time for free to try to lower your costs. Why do you feel the need to do things like this? The answer lies in your money mindset. 

The first step to getting paid what you’re worth is working on your money mindset. You need to know what stories you’re telling yourself about money, where they came from, and whether or not they’re actually true. A lot of our money stories come from things we were taught about money as children. I’m going to share some examples of things you might have internalized about money and what you can do to change those thoughts so that you can be open to making more money. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • How to shift your money mindset

  • Why you should adopt an abundance mindset 

  • What your upbringing can tell you about your money mindset 

  • How to build confidence in your value 

Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Desi has a New Group Coaching Program - 2 min

Host & business coach Desi Creswell has a brand-new coaching program called To Do : To Done launching soon. She introduces us to her new program in this ultra-short podcast.

It’s a five week coaching intensive. You’ll learn to free up time for things you wish you could get to - if only you didn’t have so much on your plate.

Not only will you prioritize a business growth project - you’ll finish it with less stress and more efficiency.

To Do To Done include live group calls for coaching and accountability, including opportunities to get personalized feedback from Desi. You’ll be equipped with all of the mindset tools and actionable strategies you need to complete the To Do To Done process.

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Showcase Your Personality With This New Instagram Feature - 9 min

Do you want to post personal photos from your life, but you're worried about messing with the aesthetic of your business page? Instagram has a new feature expanding on "Close Friends" stories where you can now make a grid post only visible to the people who matter most. Wingnut’s Social Media Manager, Whitney, is here to give you the rundown on this new feature and how it can benefit your business.

Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Las Vegas Market Re-Cap & High Point Market Warm Up - 19 min

In this episode, host Rick Campos shares a little about his Las Vegas Market Experience along with some tips and advice if you have never been. He’s also going to provide some insight into the upcoming High Point Market to help you plan ahead and make the most of your time there. 

Then we’ll chat with the Director of Content and Community for ANDMORE - Amanda Brinkman, about the changes in branding that we’ve all seen for market and what it all means for the design community. Designed to streamline and enhance, we discuss the innovative tools they're offering, including a game-changing app that's set to revolutionize how buyers plan and organize their market experience. 

Join Rick & Amanda as they delve into the transformation sweeping across the design industry, fueled by technological innovation.

Show Highlights:

  • The recent markets in Las Vegas and High Point, including the changing trends in the design industry.

  • The rebranding and omni-channel experience introduced by ANDMORE in the Las Vegas, Atlanta, and High Point markets.

  • The innovative tools being offered by ANDMORE to enhance buyers' market experiences, including a new app.

  • Deep dive into the future of the design industry and the transformative effects of technological innovation.

  • The benefits and features of the new ANDMORE app for organizing and enhancing market experiences.

  • Insights on the inaugural show of Shop Object at the High Point Market and the exciting prospects it offers to buyers.

The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - Your Clients Aren’t Qualified, Take the Lead - 35 min

Ever wondered why some client interactions leave you feeling frustrated and undervalued? The answer may lie in how you manage the design process for your clients. On today’s episode, we’re all about taking command and elevating your client interactions to streamline your design process. Host Melissa Galt is sharing insights from her decades of design experience to help remind you why you should be the one in control of the project, not your clients. 

First, Melissa delves into leading our clients as affluent creatives. We discuss the importance of taking charge of the discovery process and not allowing your clients to steamroll the project out of your creative direction. She shares strategies for standing your ground, reinforcing your expertise, and leading the project to successful completion. We’ll also focus on streamlining selections, procurements, and installations, and how to combat decision-making fatigue.

Listen in today for Melissa’s actionable advice on how to navigate client relationships with grace and confidence, leading them to their desired interior destination and beyond.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why you need to take the lead in the discovery process

  • How standing your ground in agreement negotiations can reinforce your expertise and pave the way to successful project completion

  • Ways to streamline your design process

  • Smart strategies that you can use to more effectively manage the delivery and placement of your clients’ pieces

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk About Reminding our Clients we Exist - 16 min

In today’s episode, host Laura Thornton talks about ways to remind our clients we still exist and are as fabulous as ever! Get ready to fill our pipelines into 2024 with referrals and existing client projects. 


Designing for Profit: Maximizing Revenue with Interior Design Business Podcasts


Scaling Your Reach: Strategic Podcasts for Expanding Your Interior Design Brand