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The Easiest Way to Improve Your Interior Design Business

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 181

Listening to today’s curated collection of the best interior design business podcasts is the easiest, fastest, most repeatable way to improve your existing interior design business.

We curate the best interior design business podcasts Monday to Friday because we have used them to already improve our own interior design business - Robb & Company. And, we will continue to listen & learn.

In today’s installment, we’ve got episodes from hosts Dennis Scully, Kate Greunk, Rebecca Ward, LuAnn Nigara, Beth Bieske and Rhiannon Lee.

Today’s podcast guests include Alex Shuford, Robyn White, Rama Dandamudi and Rhiannon Lee on Beth Bieske’s podcast.


  • Business of Home - Dennis Scully - The state of the home industry with Alex Shuford of Rock House Farm - 1 hr, 14 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - How to Sell on SideDoor with a Small Audience - 51 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - Key Elements for Your Interior Design Website That Attract Premium Clients With Robyn White - 38 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Rama Dandamudi: Why Predictability Matters More than Pricing for Interior Designers - 59 min

  • Design Dialogues - Beth Bieske - A Dialogue with Rhiannon Lee - 44 min

  • Designing Success - Rhiannon Lee - your 5 step framework to getting more CLIENTS - 34 min

Business of Home - The state of the home industry with Alex Shuford of Rock House Farm - 1 hr, 14 min

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The last time Alex Shuford—CEO of Rock House Farm, the family of brands that includes Century, Hickory Chair and Highland House—was on the podcast, it was 2021, and the industry was riding high on the home boom while grappling with out-of-control lead times. Now, the situation is reversed: Lead times are far better, but demand has cooled.

On this episode of the show, Shuford gives a comprehensive look at the state of the home industry. He speaks with host Dennis Scully about the shifting balance of power between retailers and designers, leadership lessons from the pandemic, and why, despite short-term turbulence, the future is bright. 

The Kate Show - How to Sell on SideDoor with a Small Audience - 51 min

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Today’s episode is all about SideDoor — the online tool that lets designers sell trade-only products through their websites.

Host Kate Greunke is speaking with Chad Smith - Director of SideDoor - about how the most successful interior designers and stagers are using SideDoor and the new features SideDoor offers that you might not know about yet.

Note: Kate has a media partnership with SideDoor, so there is obviously a financial interest here, but she seems like a fan of SideDoor and claims that:

I would be using their platform without a doubt if I ran an interior design firm. As it is, I run a mere marketing agency instead and have to admire them from afar. 

We’re not using SideDoor as a sales tool either, but I’m curious to listen to the podcast. Let us know what you think and/or if you have any experience with SideDoor.

Design Curious - Key Elements for Your Interior Design Website That Attract Premium Clients With Robyn White - 38 min

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In today's episode, host Rebecca Ward delves into the key elements that can make or break your interior design website with her guest Robyn White of RDW Design Studio. Robyn shares her expertise and insights on how to optimize your website to attract premium clients. She emphasizes the importance of consistent branding, and the use of a clear call to action (CTA) to guide visitors towards the primary goal of your website. She also highlights common mistakes to avoid when designing a website.

So, if you are an interior designer looking to optimize your website, don't miss this treasure trove of invaluable insights and practical tips for creating a strategic and effective website that stands out in the competitive interior design industry

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

  • Answer the 6 questions you should ask yourself before updating your website

  • Assess your existing website for blunders and make the necessary adjustments

  • Design your website with the 5 must-have pages to attract premium clients

A Well-Designed Business - Rama Dandamudi: Why Predictability Matters More than Pricing for Interior Designers - 59 min

We all know the value of relationships in business—but what about the HOW? How are people going about building solid business relationships that make a difference?

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In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is chatting with Rama Dandamudi, a Chicago-based entrepreneur with more than two decades of experience creating and managing businesses within the residential design industry.

Rama is here today to talk about predictability—specifically why predictability matters more than pricing. But as you’ll hear in this conversation, the way you create predictability is by focusing on relationships.

Pick It Apart

  • [5:39] Rama and LuAnn talk about the importance of execution.

  • [10:56] Rama shares why being predictable matters.

  • [17:06] Rama discusses how relationship-building ensures successful projects.

  • [27:24] Rama and LuAnn talk about how to handle tough situations and conversations in business.

  • [39:58] Rama and LuAnn discuss why a personal touch matters.

LuAnn Nigara and Rama Dandamudi's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “Establish a reputation of being reliable and being consistent and being predictable. Not only will vendors want to come and work with you, but eventually clients will bring more work to you.” -Rama

  • “You've taken basically, the qualities of your typical mom-and-pop shop of why that business is important in a community. And you've taken those exact same principles and put it on the global scale that your business lives on.” -LuAnn

Design Dialogues - A Dialogue with Rhiannon Lee - 44 min

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In this episode of the Design Dialogues podcast, host Beth Bieske interviews Rhiannon Lee from Oleander and Finch and discusses her journey as a designer and mentor in the creative industry.

She talks about the importance of sharing knowledge and breaking the culture of secrecy within the design community. Rhiannon also shares her experiences working with clients in different countries and the challenges of running a small business. She emphasizes the need for focus and consistency in order to achieve success and advises against getting distracted by competition, comparison, and perfectionism. Rhiannon also discusses her upcoming projects, including the launch of a community for interior designers and her new podcast, "Designing Success from Study to Studio."


07.14 Rhiannon talks about her transition from designer to mentor for new designers. 

13.21 Rhiannon talks about the secrecy that can be found amongst interior designers and why she feels it is getting better. 

20.48 Rhiannon talks through the decision about having only one instagram account across two very different audiences. 

29.09 Rhiannon talks about how important it is to be consistent with your marketing and that it is going to take a lot longer than you think it will

Designing Success - your 5 step framework to getting more CLIENTS - 34 min

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In today’s episode, host Rhiannon Lee discusses her 5 step framework to getting more clients.

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