Level Up Your Business With These 9 Interior Design Podcasts

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 146

We’ve got 9 fantastic interior design podcasts for you this Monday morning.

Today’s interior design podcasts episodes come from hosts Terri Taylor, Michelle Lynne, LuAnn Nigara, Darla Powell, Melissa Galt, Laura Thornton, Dennis Scully, Rick Campos & Kate Greunke.

Today’s podcast guests include Valerie Priester, Ginger Curtis, Robyn White, Suzanne Lovell & Jude Charles.

So much good stuff to level up your design business.

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Leadership Part 1 - 31 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - The Obstacle is the Way (Finding Hidden Treasures, Purpose, and Growth) with Ginger Curtis - 43 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: The 6 Mindset Shifts Required to Work With the Luxury Client - 19 min

  • Designed By Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News : How to Grow Your Instagram Account and Increase Engagement - 11 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - 7.5 Weekly Questions To Grow You And Your Business - 51 min

  • The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk Strategic Websites with Robyn White from RDW Design Studio - 39 min

  • Business of Home - Dennis Scully - Architect? Interior Designer? Suzanne Lovell is both (and much more) - 45 min

  • Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Jude Charles - Demonstrating Leadership through Storytelling - 59 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - 10 Newbie Marketing Questions with Kate: Get Your Questions Answered Quickly - 28 min

Interior Design Business - Leadership Part 1 - 31 min

When you started your design business, leadership might not have been the first skill on your mind, but the truth is you are a leader from day one. 

Whether you’re leading yourself or a whole team, the way you lead is important.

In today’s episode, host Terri Taylor is joined by coach Valerie Priester to talk about what it takes for a designer to be a good leader. 

They’re talking about things like having a growth mindset, learning from your failures without beating yourself up, building confidence, and how all these things define who you are as a leader. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • Looking for the lessons in your mistakes 

  • Why you need to be willing to be vulnerable

  • How to build confidence as a leader

  • The value of getting clear on your vision 

If you want to brush up on your leadership skills, this is the episode for you. And the good news is, it’s only Part 1! Stick around for Part 2 for even more of Valerie’s expert advice.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - The Obstacle is the Way (Finding Hidden Treasures, Purpose, and Growth) with Ginger Curtis - 43 min

In today’s episode, host Michelle Lynne ​​chats with Ginger Curtis. Ginger is the owner and founder of Urbanology Designs, an author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She is an expert in modern luxury design and passionate about all things beautiful. After surviving cancer, she began Urbanology Designs in 2015 to inspire and help others elevate their homes' beauty, comfort, and function.

In this episode, Ginger shares some of the obstacles that created opportunities for growth in her life, how she delegates and elevates within her business, and why it's our job to educate our clients about the impact our environments have on our well-being.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Window Treatments for Profit - What Would Lu Do?: The 6 Mindset Shifts Required to Work With the Luxury Client - 19 min

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara talks about attracting the luxury client, and how to get into their mindset so you can start building long-lasting relationships with them.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed By Wingnut Social - Mini News : How to Grow Your Instagram Account and Increase Engagement - 11 min

Today’s Mini News episode highlights Darla Powell’s latest informational webinar, “The 6 Keys to Success on Instagram.” Today’s excerpt focuses on increasing engagement on analyzing metrics.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative -  7.5 Weekly Questions To Grow You And Your Business - 51 min

As a creative business owner, it's crucial to regularly check in with your practice to ensure you're on the right track toward success. One effective way to do this is by asking yourself a few questions every week which can help you identify areas for improvement, celebrate your achievements, and maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. There are so many ways that you may not be allowing your business to flourish to its full potential if you aren’t regularly reflecting on what is working for it and what is not.

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt shares the 7.5 essential questions that you should be asking yourself weekly to supercharge your design practice and boost both productivity and profits as well as your own joy and creativity. These questions touch on the importance of delegation, assembling a stellar, cross-trained team, and concentrating on your zone of genius to avoid burnout and cultivate a thriving creative business. Taking the time to implement these good practices in a weekly reflection will help you to find your flow and allow it to carry you to new heights in your business where you are excited and connected in everything you do. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • The importance of checking in and reflecting on your business practices regularly

  • Why you should probably be delegating more

  • How embracing interruptions and disruptions can rekindle your creativity

  • The power of vision boards in helping you to stay goal-oriented and excited

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Let's Talk Strategic Websites with Robyn White from RDW Design Studio - 39 min

In today's episode, host Laura Thornton is speaking with Robyn White from RDW Design Studio about strategic and elevated websites for Interior Designers.  

Robyn White is the owner and founder of RDW Design Studio, a boutique website design studio located on Cape Cod, MA. Robyn offers a refined website design experience for clients who value quality and want a strategic, sophisticated, and simple website designed so they can book more premium clients. 

Robyn specializes in helping interior designers, architects, builders and stagers elevate their website so it reflects the high-quality work they provide and so their business has the online home it deserves. Through her impactful and strategic website design, she positions her clients as the premium choice by making the right first impression online. 

She helps her busy clients go from overwhelmed to overjoyed with their websites by taking care of all the techie stuff without the techie talk. Through her supportive, streamlined and stress-free design process, Robyn designs websites that are not just beautiful, but allow her clients to show up online with confidence and attract their ideal clients. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - Architect? Interior Designer? Suzanne Lovell is both (and much more) - 45 min

Suzanne Lovell began her career as an architect at the iconic firm Skidmore Owings and Merrill, but she always felt drawn to residential design. After starting her own firm in 1985, Lovell went on to a sparkling career, making the AD100 list, publishing a book, starting a textile line, and earning recognition far and wide for interiors as varied as her own interests. 

On this episode of the podcast, Suzanne chats with host Dennis Scully about why sustainability is such a complicated issue in the industry, how she pushes artisans to do their best work, and what her current pursuit of a PhD is teaching her about her own practice.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Biz Survival Guide - Jude Charles - Demonstrating Leadership through Storytelling - 59 min

In today’s episode, host Rick Campos welcomes back producer, author, and storyteller Jude Charles to the podcast. Jude walks us through the process of producing his newly released docu-series about the life and journey of our favorite design community guru LuAnn Nigara.

We revisit the five pillars of dramatic demonstration, and then we dive deep into the value of leadership and how communicating examples of your process and intention through storytelling establishes trust with your clients. We also revisit our conversation from episode 101 and what Rick learned from the process of developing one of his own stories into a lesson in leadership.

Join Rick & Jude in this insightful conversation as we discover how storytelling can change our perspective, create opportunities, and inspire us to lead others to greater heights in the design industry.

Show Highlights:

  • Live illustration, social proof, unique characteristics, and transformation are explored to take business to the next level.

  • Building confidence, storytelling, documenting lessons, and focusing on the lesson of the story.

  • How to have honest communication with clients, even in difficult situations

  • Nature's influence on language, perception, and interaction.

  • Leading clients through design process, emphasizing storytelling, core values, and successes.

  • The importance of being relentless, having a voice and evidence of success, and confidently saying no.

  • Leading effectively and intentionally by recognizing gifts, pausing for feedback, constructing stories, and utilizing trust-building techniques.

Five dramatic demonstrations to tell the story about a moment in time for designers:

  1. Behind the Scenes (Pulling fabrics, selecting stone, antique shopping - the hunt.

  2. Live Illustration (Highlight the design, show it off)

  3. Social Proof (The big reveal and the emotion attached to it)

  4. Unique Mechanism (Characteristics that no one else can duplicate - how YOU do it)

  5. Transformation (Life after… testimonial)

Five ways to lead your client:

  1. Tell the truth even when it hurts.

  2. Have a clearly defined opinion and voice, and define your core values.

  3. Have the confidence to say NO.

  4. Get clear about who is the right fit for you to work with.

  5. What are your non-negotiables?

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show : 10 Newbie Marketing Questions with Kate: Get Your Questions Answered Quickly - 28 min

Do you have a burning marketing question? Today is your day. In this episode of The Kate Show, host Kate Greunke answers 10 of the most-asked questions she gets from listeners. Kate is covering things like, “How can I quickly get my next client?” to “How can I get more contacts on my mailing list?” as well as some hard-won marketing tips from other home professionals who’ve created their own success.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


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