Today’s Top 10 Interior Design BUSINESS Podcasts

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 126

If you’re an interior designer looking to improve their business…you’ve got to start listening to our curated list of interior design business podcasts.

Today’s interior design podcasts episodes come from hosts Anastasia Casey, Terri Taylor, Michele Williams, LuAnn Nigara, Darla Powell, Rick Campos, Melissa Galt, Laura Thornton, Dennis Scully & Michelle Lynne.

Today’s podcast guests include Lindsey Borchard, Mark Willis, Benjamin Jones, Wanda Allen, Rita Konig, Bryan and Mike Yates. So much good stuff to help you build a better interior design biz.

  • The Interior Collective - Anastasia Casey - Design Camp: How it Started with Lindsey Borchard & Anastasia Casey - 1 hr 3 min

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - The Luxury Mindset - 32 min

  • Profit Is A Choice - Michele Williams - Become Your Own Banker to Control Your Finances - 51 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - Benjamin Jones: Unleashing the Power of YouTube Ads; Expert Strategies for Beginners - 1 hr 23 min

  • Designed By Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News : Why Interior Designers Need to Be On Instagram - 6 min

  • Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Wanda Allen : Follow Up Sales Strategies & Relationships Management - 40 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - How to Get More Done in Less Time - 43 min

  • The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk ChatGPT - 26 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - For Rita Konig, design is storytelling - 57 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Bloom Where You're Planted with Yates Desygn - 49 min

The Interior Collective - Design Camp: How it Started with Lindsey Borchard & Anastasia Casey - 1 hr 3 min

In this episode, Lindsey Borchard & host Anastasia Casey discuss all things Design Camp.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Interior Design Business - The Luxury Mindset - 32 min

Have big price tags ever caused trouble for you in your design business?

In today’s episode, host Terri Taylor discusses the luxury mindset - an important concept for interior designers and service providers.

There’s a misconception that once you start getting luxury clients, you’ll become a luxury designer, but it just doesn’t work that way. Your luxury mindset needs to come first and the clients will follow. 

In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, Terri takes us through the elements of a luxury mindset and how to start implementing them to build your luxury business. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • What a luxury mindset is

  • Understanding what your luxury client wants

  • Why high-end clients don’t make you a high-end designer

  • How to avoid caving on your pricing

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit Is A Choice - Become Your Own Banker to Control Your Finances - 51 min

In today’s episode, host Michele Williams chats with Mark Willis. Mark is the owner of Lake Growth Financial Services, a financial firm in Chicago, Illinois.

Mark is going to lead us on the journey of understanding our financials better. We're going to be looking at how to be the bank for our company, what it means to take back ownership, money, and lending instead of being a slave to the banks or to somebody else holding a note over our head or having so much debt that we don't know how to get out from under it.

Mark will share stories and give us methodologies and mindset changes so that we too can be in full control of our finances. 

Topics Mentioned:

  • Cost of Debt 

  • Building Wealth 

  • Money Mindset 

  • Generational Wealth 

Key Thoughts:

  • That became my mantra, I want to be better than debt free. And so, as a financial planner, now, I help people become better than debt free. I have since paid off my debts. But more than that, I bought them back by becoming my own banker, paying the student loan snakes off, and actually collecting that money from myself to get a profit off the debt that I once paid to somebody else. Mark Willis (6:03)

  • It's kind of the Profit First dilemma that we see all the money sitting in the bank account, and they just start taking it. What they've done in essence, is they rob the company coffers to live a lavish lifestyle, to go on trips to fix up their house, to do whatever, to pay a medical bill. I don't care what it is. But they took it from the business prior to when it should have been taken. And now the business is running lean, and they're struggling. And it was the entire lifeblood to build their life and they just destroyed the lifeblood. Michele (23:23)

  • When you have the bank, you control the whole card table. Imagine how this would work in almost every business. Mark Willis (42:07)

  • Today has been all about taking back control. And I want to encourage you to do that. Because if you own it, you can change it. And that's the beautiful thing about profit. We're building it. Michele (50:09)

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Window Treatments for Profit - Benjamin Jones: Unleashing the Power of YouTube Ads; Expert Strategies for Beginners - 1 hr 23 min

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara ​​talks about something that might make you groan a little: YouTube ads. I know, nobody likes ads. But the truth is, ads on YouTube have become an integral part of the platform, and if you're a business owner, understanding how they work can be crucial to your success. 

To talk about this, we have Benjamin Jones with us. He is a serial entrepreneur and international speaker with a passion for digital marketing. Over the last 7 years, he has been able to help thousands of people worldwide learn how to harness the power of online marketing to scale their businesses! Today’s episode is filled with loads of information, so grab a pen and paper before you listen to it.

LuAnn Nigara and Benjamin Jones' Ah-Ha Moments

  • “The best ads you can run on Youtube are the ones that you can skip in 5 seconds” - Benjamin Jones

  • “If I come to Youtube, I wanna be entertained or educated in some way” - Benjamin Jones

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed By Wingnut Social - Mini News : Why Interior Designers Need to Be On Instagram - 6 min

Today’s Mini News episode highlights Darla Powell’s latest informational webinar, “The 6 Keys to Success on Instagram.”

Today’s excerpt focuses on why Interior designers need to be on Instagram (spoiler alert: because 52% online brand discovery happens in public social feeds!).

You can check out this podcast episode here:

design biz survival guide

Design Biz Survival Guide - Wanda Allen : Follow Up Sales Strategies & Relationships Management - 40 min

In today’s episode, host Rick Campos welcomes international speaker, coach, and author Wanda Allen to the podcast. Wanda is an expert in helping entrepreneurs, business owners, and sales professionals increase pipelines, improve sales performance and strengthen relationships by developing strong follow-up skills. 

Rick & Wanda discuss how our mindset impacts lead generation and follow-up, the role that perseverance plays in the process, and why the second best answer you can get is a “no.”

Be prepared to be inspired to go out there, get some nos, and land some sales!

Show Highlights:

  • What led Wanda to become an author and coach

  • How systems and processes serve as guardrails

  • The reasons people don’t follow up

  • Why the second best answer you can get is “no”

  • How people can develop a schedule for follow up

  • Developing a schedule for following up

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - How to Get More Done in Less Time - 43 min

Time is our greatest non-renewable resource. There never seems to be enough of it, but worrying about not having enough time only limits you further. When we worry about feeling overwhelmed or lacking the hours in a day to get everything accomplished, we give into the kind of time-shrinking thoughts that interfere with our productivity. Today, host Melissa Galt want us to identify our limiting beliefs around time to take better control of our time once and for all.

In today’s episode, Melissa is diving into the best ways to increase your productivity and manage your behaviors around time. This does not mean making you busier! Instead, we’ll look at the difference between being busy and being productive and how shifting our mindset from time-shrinking thoughts to time-enhancing thoughts will unlock a healthier approach to time management. I want to pull you out of the busy trap and shift your gears and get you into being more productive and more profitable.

She will also share her best strategies for identifying those revenue rabbit holes or areas where you are losing precious time that you may not even be aware of. We may not be able to manage time itself, but we can always manage our behaviors around time. Learning this distinction will put you on the first step to revolutionizing your scheduling and reclaiming your time.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • How to be productive beyond being busy

  • Ways to replace your time-shrinking thoughts with time-expanding ones

  • The benefits of time tracking and time blocking

  • Why honoring your boundaries is one of the most important components to healthy time management skills

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Let's Talk ChatGPT - 26 min

In today's episode, host Laura Thornton explores how interior designers can leverage the power of ChatGPT to streamline their processes, boost their marketing efforts, and improve everyday tasks and practices.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - For Rita Konig, design is storytelling - 57 min

daughter of legendary English decorator Nina Campell, Rita Konig grew up in the trade. After authoring a runaway hit book, Domestic Bliss, she struck out on her own, and has built a brilliantly multifaceted career as a writer, designer and streaming star on the online education platform Create Academy.  

On this episode of the podcast, Konig talks with host Dennis Scully about reaching an audience beyond her core clients, whether RH can succeed in England, and lessons the British and American design industries can learn from each other.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - Bloom Where You're Planted with Yates Desygn - 49 min

In this episode, host Michelle Lynne chats with design duo Bryan and Mike Yates on the show today. They share the story of when and where they first met, why they decided to move from New York to Texas, and how they balance working together as a married couple.

We also talk about the importance of relationship building, not only with potential clients but with builders, vendors, and even other design firms.

You can check out this podcast episode here:


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