Who’s Ready to Level Up Their Interior Design Business in 2024?

We’ve got 4 radically different interior design business podcasts today. And yet, all 4 provide a ton of useful advice for those interior designers who are ready to level up their interior design business in 2024.

So much good stuff as we get closer to the new year.

Episodes at a glance:

  • The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Design Logistics Unveiled: Freight, Shipping, & the White Glove Experience - 16 min

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Rule of Thirds with Patrick Ediger - 28 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - One at a Time - 13 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Creating Leverage in Your Personal and Professional Life With a Virtual Assistant - 38 min

The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Design Logistics Unveiled: Freight, Shipping, & the White Glove Experience - 16 min

In this week’s episode, host Rachel Larraine is diving into some important design logistics and breaking down the differences between freight, shipping, curbside, and the white glove experience. Knowing your options and how to explain them to the client often separates new designers from experienced ones.

So, if you’re new to the industry, learning about this now will help you avoid any mistakes or surprises that could derail your project or harm your relationship with the client. Ensuring the pieces you’ve ordered get to your clients and are set up properly can truly make all the difference!

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Rule of Thirds with Patrick Ediger - 28 min

As the design world faces the challenge of addressing wastefulness, it may be surprising to learn, the key to creating beautiful design while remaining eco-conscious lies in our very own backyards. A Los Angeles-based designer, Patrick Ediger has a formula that harnesses hyper-local practices to craft sustainable, timeless, and functional design for his clients.

In this episode we learn:

  • reframe the discussion from eco-conscious to one of sustainability and what that means on a human level

  • rule of thirds means you source 1/3 from vintage/reused, 1/3 from sustainable, and 1/3 from local maker or manufacturer

  • source local craftsmen via Instagram, word of mouth, and trade publications

  • educate your clients about higher quality = higher costs 

  • what I learned through BOD™: processes, goal setting and the importance of designing with integrity and the obligation we take on as design professionals to provide the best service we possibly can to our clients.

The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - One at a Time - 13 min

In this episode, host Desi Creswell shares a business philosophy called One at a Time that will help you make progress with more ease. When it feels like so much should and could be done at any given moment, One at a Time is the secret to taking action, and can be applied across the board, no matter the task at hand or stage of business you’re currently in.

Discover what the One at a Time approach entails, how you can apply this concept to the goals you’re setting for your business in 2024, and why it makes taking action simple, approachable, and way less overwhelming.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • How there’s no such thing as effective multitasking.

  • What the business concept of One at a Time means.

  • How to use the approach of One at a Time as you head into the final weeks of the year.

  • Why you’ll gain the most traction when you use the concept of One at a Time.

  • The different areas of your business you can apply this concept to as you set goals in 2024.

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Creating Leverage in Your Personal and Professional Life With a Virtual Assistant - 38 min

Are you trying to grow your business, but struggling to make time for everything and juggle it all with your personal life? Today’s guest, Justin Nelson, is the Founder and CEO of Sphere Rocket VA, an industry leading virtual workforce company. Justin shares some tips on how to create leverage in your life and business by utilizing a virtual assistant. We discuss how to build your life and business to get the maximum return on the time you spend, aiming to create true freedom.

Note: This episode is sponsored by Sphere Rocket Virtual Assistants.


Business and Personal Strategies - Interior Design Success 2024


Transform Your Interior Design Business in 2024