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Interior Design Business Podcasts for October 24, 2022

As the co-owner of a residential interior design firm in Toronto AND a huge fan of podcasts, I listen to a lot of interior design business podcasts.

Whether it’s business experts who provide service to interior designers, interior design business coaches or fellow interior designers sharing their experience, I almost always learn something that can help our residential interior design business.

Here are the podcast episodes that I am listening to on October 24, 2022.

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams

  • Business of Home - Dennis Scully

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward

Designed for the Creative Mind - Go from Obscure to Acclaimed Leveraging Other People's Audience with Tom Schwab

Have you ever thought your digital marketing might actually be hurting your business? Michelle Lynne’s guest today has a refreshingly new view on marketing. Tom Schwab asks you to consider that you are just One Conversation Away, which also happens to be the title of his new book.

In this episode, they chat about using podcast guesting to tap into others’ audiences and build expertise. Tom also shares what he feels is every business’s biggest problem, why whales don't click and big fish don't swim through funnels, and the reason podcast interviews convert 25x better than blogs. If you want a rich life and a profitable business, Tom believes you are just One Conversation Away.

You can check out this episode of Michelle’s excellent podcast here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - YouTube Handles: Everything You Need To Know - Monday Mini News

Today, host Darla Powell’s SEO guru Gavin Doran & Abby Coots (Social Media Manager at Wingnut Social) are discussing YouTube Handles.

YouTube is currently in the process of rolling out handles for all YouTube channels, which is going to make it easier to promote your channel within the app and drive traffic to your channel.

YouTube says, “Handles are a unique identifier in all YouTube channels are going to have access to this feature. Your unique handle will help people find and interact with your profile and it will be completely specific and unique to your profile.”

Currently on YouTube, usernames can be the same. We’ve seen some copycats out there (not specifically with Wingnut thankfully!). On YouTube in general, people can copy usernames. With the new handle feature, it’s just for you. Nobody else can have the same handle as you. It’s really going to help assure your subscribers they’re interacting with the real you.

If you want to learn more, you can check out this episode here:

The Affluent Creative - How To Stop Hiding In Your Business and Get Hired

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt is diving into the many ways that you may be hiding inside your business. Melissa is helping us look at all the little ways that we can get hung up on the mechanics of our businesses instead of just getting out there and participating in the magic of our creative energies. 

Melissa defines creativity as the space where art and science meet and make magic. And she wants us to be creators of that magic rather than hiding on the sidelines!

There are so many ways that we avoid the big picture in our creative businesses. We may be trying too hard to achieve perfection in everything we accomplish, or feeling like we need to have all of the small components of our businesses set up before we can go out and get clients. 

Melissa is here to tell us that all we need to start a successful business is a client, a project, and a project. Logos, business cards, mission statements—they can come later. What we need to be doing now is getting ourselves out there, presenting our unique talents to the world, and solving the problems for our clients that only we can solve.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why you need to be out there being found instead of hiding in your business

  • 10 ways that you may be hiding in your business practices instead of developing your creative process and client interactions

  • How perfectionism is your biggest trap

  • The importance of being consistent and persistent in your social media presence

If you want to learn more, you can check out this episode here:

Profit Is A Choice - Metrique Solutions is Your Financial Partner in Business with Jack Tompkins

Joining host Michele Williams on the podcast today is Jack Tompkins of Pineapple Consulting. Jack and Michelle, along with a whole team of people, work on Metrique Solutions, a financial dashboard developed to support creative entrepreneurs – like you! Today they are talking about how Metrique Solutions is a financial partner in your business. It is not a replacement for your accounting or project management software, but an adjunct.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Financial partnership

  • Financial translator

  • Visual financials

  • Metrics

Key Thoughts:

  • Metrique Solutions is going to be an addition to your tech stack if you choose to use it, but it is solving a problem that neither the project management tools out there or the financial tools currently out there solve. And that's why it's a great partner to them. Michele (4:49) 

  • This is the audiobook to go along with the visual or in this case, it's the visual to go along with the audio. Here's what happened when QuickBooks did your invoicing. Here's another way to interpret it. Jack Tompkins (10:50) 

  • What I hear a lot, especially in the design community, is all this information in my project management system and I've got this information in my financial management system. I don't know how to make them work together. Michele (16:52) 

  • It's a great comparison and sort of analogy to Metrique as well, much like the football analogy, you get to see where you're ranked over time. Jack Tompkins (20:30) 

If you want to learn more, you can check out this episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - Beth Webb: "Too many designers discount themselves"

After starting her career in the art world, a chance encounter at a dinner party got Beth Webb into design, and she hasn’t looked back. With projects in top magazines, a book through Rizzoli and a licensed collection with Arteriors, she’s one of the South’s most notable talents.

On this episode of the podcast, she speaks with host Dennis Scully about how she’s navigating runaway costs and never ending lead times, why HR is the toughest part of the design business, and why landing big clients takes a “try everything” approach.

If you want to learn more, you can check out this episode here:

Design Curious - Anatomy of an Interior Design Firm: Team Structure and Roles To Keep In Mind

When she started her interior design career, podcast host Rebecca Ward was clueless & overwhelmed. To give you at least an overview of what you are getting yourself into, she shares some of her “lessons learned” with us.

Whether you are applying or interning for a job in an interior design firm, want to start your own design business, or grow your firm into a larger company, this episode is for you.

Listen to understand the different teams and roles needed to operate an interior design business. Rebecca also shares the many hats an interior designer solopreneur needs to wear. And if you are growing your firm into a larger company, these are the areas you can expand to and hire.

Highlights of today’s episode:

  • Discover what you're signing up for as an interior design solopreneur

  • Find out what you need to hire first when starting an interior design business

  • Understand the team structures and roles critical to building a design firm

If you want to learn more, you can check out this episode here:

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