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Interior Design Business Podcasts for November 7, 2022

There are a ridiculous amount of interior design business podcasts being released today - November 7, 2022.

If you love interior design podcasts like I do…you’re going to get a ton of benefit from today’s podcast episode drop…enjoy :)

Here are the absolute best interior design podcast episodes for November 7, 2022.

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams

  • Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke (aka Kate the Socialite)

  • The Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell

Interior Design Business - Eliminating Distractions - 28 min

  • How much of your time gets gobbled up by distractions?

  • Time is your greatest currency and it can’t be replaced. Once it's gone, it’s gone. 

In this episode, host Terri Taylor reflects on pasts conversations with designers in which many have said, “If I just had one more day in the week, I could get it all done,” but the truth is if most of us were gifted a bonus day, we would just fill that one up too. A more practical solution is learning how to notice what is filling up your time and what happens when you get distracted. 

Because she’s awesome, Terri is here to help us identify what is taking up our time and sharing some practical solutions to stop those things from cutting into your day. 

Tune in to learn some of the most common things that take up time for interior designers and how to beat them! 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit is a Choice - Building a Community of Support - 9 min

Lately, podcast host Michele Williams has been thinking about the value in building a community of support for your business. We really are not in business alone. In this podcast, Michele shares some of my community, how she chose it, how it supports her – and how you can do the same.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Community

  • Needs

  • Alignment

Michele’s Key Thoughts:

  • Early on in my career, and probably life, I thought that I had to find the one best friend or the one resource, or the one online tool to solve my problems or meet my need. Instead, what I found was that each community and person I meet can fill a different role or need in my life or business. Michele (4:28) 

  • We probably need more than one to meet the current and future needs of our business. Michele (5:26) 

  • I aim to create communities that are safe for everyone. Communities that hear a wide range of voices and respond in kindness. Communities that welcome others and when the room gets too full, we get another room and build a bigger table. Michele (7:14) 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Biz Survival Guide - Interview with Kate Saunders - 45 min

Today, DBSG host Rick Campos welcomes Kate Saunders – owner of The Designers Collab, a resource for busy interior design professionals who are looking to scale their business without increasing their overhead.

In this episode Kate shares how her 20 years of experience in design and construction, fueled by curiosity, led her to a place of supporting the design community by directing her talents and skillset toward the success of others.

Together, they dive deep into the benefits of outsourcing, the new business mindset associated with it, and what the the state of your business should be in order to collaborate effectively. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - A Peek Behind the Curtain with Traci Connell - 30 min

In this episode, host Michelle Lynne chats with Traci Connell, an award-winning, nationally published interior designer and business coach.

Over the years, the Traci Connell Interiors team has expertly perfected and streamlined a system of service that simplifies and organizes the design process, becoming one of the most trusted design firms in Dallas. Seeing a need in her industry, The Gloss, the Ultimate Glossary of Business Resources for Interior Designers, was established to provide mentorship and strategy for designers to elevate their firms and scale to millions.

In this episode, Traci gives us a peek behind the curtain of a successful interior designer and how she grew her business to what it is today. We also chat about why to invest in the right people to help you get where you want to be in your business. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - Lead Generation to Fill Your Profit Pipeline - 45 min

Most creatives tend to go job to job, project to project, and client to client without any sense of a waitlist or a queue. This usually ends up creating a business that feels like a rollercoaster of cash flow and profits.

And while a rollercoaster ride is always exciting at an amusement park, it is much less enjoyable when it comes to your business model. The last thing host & interior design business coach Melissa Galt want is for you to feel overwhelmed by an incessant flow of projects without time to manage them all or, on the flip side, worried about where your next project will come from. 

That’s why in today’s episode, Melissa dives into how lead generation can help you fill your profit pipeline without becoming overwhelming or unmanageable for your creative process.

Having a project pipeline and building it on a continual and consistent basis eliminates the rollercoaster and puts you squarely in charge of the projects and the clients that you're working with and the timeline that you're working with them on. 

To be sure, Melissa is not asking you to overload yourself and she doesn’t want any of us on the fast path to burnout. Instead, she wants us to feel in control of the projects that we take on, when we take them on, and why we are taking them on. And that does not mean sacrificing your steady workflow (and, importantly, your cash flow) either!

So, grab a pen and paper and tune in for Melissa’s best-researched and proven strategies for generating project leads and designing a practical process for managing them which will benefit both you and your client.

Key Takeaways

  • What a profit pipeline is and why you need one

  • How to create a paid VIP waitlist for clients

  • Various lead generation strategies to seek out clients you will most benefit from working with

  • The importance of connecting and building relationships with clients

  • How partnering for profit can help you increase your client market and gain new opportunities

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show - The Best Interior Designer Tool for Tracking Product & Material Orders - 25 min

In the interior design world, delays and backorders happen, even on a regular day. Add into the mix both economic and political global upheaval — with a dash of supply chain issues — and you've got yourself a cocktail that isn't all that easy to swallow.

How do interior designers keep track of which products or materials are ordered, en route, delayed, or delivered? You might have to hire a team member for that position or somehow squeeze it into your already-full schedule. might want to work with a specialized company.

Interior designers, meet MaterLog, your single contact to track all of your deliveries and help you troubleshoot issues as soon as they arise.

In today’s episode, host Kate Greunke (aka Kate the Socialite) speaks with with MaterLog founder, Mariah Samost, on how the MaterLog system works, why they created it, and how many hours per week it saves the stressed-out interior designer.

From multi-stage ordering to on-site delivery confirmations, MaterLog helps their customers save hours of work each week. Instead of reaching out to dozens of fragmented suppliers and manufacturers, MaterLog is your single contact to track all of your deliveries and help you troubleshoot issues as soon as they arise.

Topics Discussed

  • What prompted the idea behind MaterLog?

  • When did MaterLog launch and who started the company with you?

  • What does Mariah’s team look like?

  • What countries does your company serve?

  • Do interior designers need to meet any special qualifications or minimums to work with you?

  • What package levels do you offer and are contracts or commitments required?

  • How many hours per week, on average, does a design firm save when using MaterLog?

  • How does the process of signing up for and using MaterLog work? Do designers have access to the main dashboard showing all their orders?

  • Tell us about the different custom views you can create to share with your client, team, receivers, GCs, and subs.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home - Is there room for another online antiques marketplace? - 49 min

As the likes of 1stdibs and Chairish have embraced a transactional, click-to-buy model for buying and selling online, Carmine Bruno is going in the other direction.

His site, The Bruno Effect, offers something of an old-school system—it simply connects dealers with shoppers, then gets out of the way. On this episode of the podcast, Bruno speaks with host Dennis Scully about the growing pains of entrepreneurship, why he thinks there’s room at the top for another online marketplace, and how the internet has changed the culture of the antiques business.

Super-interesting podcast episode!!!

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - Is Imposter Syndrome Holding Back Your Interior Design Career? The Best Way to Deal With It - 14 min

In hosts Rebecca Ward’s own words:

Would you believe me if I tell you I still struggle with imposter syndrome? Despite graduating, getting my license, starting my own interior design business, and getting clients, it still affects my confidence. Honestly, it’s a mindset issue that requires ongoing management.

I wish it only happens in the beginning, you know? Like a right of passage, but no. It crops up at different points in my career as an interior designer. Good thing there are ways to help manage it.

You have a talent, creative one, and you need to share it with your clients. So be confident about that because I know you can do it. Listen to this week’s episode to learn how to deal with imposter syndrome and increase your confidence.

Key Episode Topics

  • Know what imposter syndrome is and how it affects your confidence factor

  • Identify the areas of your interior design career where imposter syndrome tends to show up

  • Get effective tips for overcoming imposter syndrome before it breaks your confidence

Episode Highlights

1.12 – What imposter syndrome is and how it affects the confidence factor

1.41 – How to tell if you’re suffering from imposter syndrome as an interior designer

  • You struggle to acknowledge you are an interior designer or you do interior design

  • You feel like you need to know so much more than you learned or were taught

  • You are waiting for a degree or a certification as proof you are an interior designer

4.00 – What imposter syndrome cycle looks like

  • You get a project but feel insecure about your design

  • You doubt yourself even though you get positive reinforcement

  • You still think you don’t know enough or you’re not good enough compared with others

4.45 – How I deal with imposter syndrome whenever it crops up

6.12 – Why you shouldn’t rely on external confirmation or validation

7.58 – The most important factor to combat impostor syndrome and help with your confidence

10.33 – Three questions you can ask yourself to help you find your why and three things your why is keeping you focused on

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Is Elon Musk Bringing Back Vine?! - 10 min

Is Elon Musk bringing back Vine?! It’s been a wild week in the social media landscape, and Wingnut’s SEO Manager Gavin Doran breaks it down for you. Gavin & host Darla Powell discuss Elon Musk acquiring Twitter, the potential comeback of Vine, and the Instagram outage that caused everyone to lose followers. 

Episode Highlights

  • Twitter has been acquired by Elon Musk! We don’t really know what he plans to do with the platform, but Twitter in general has played an outsized role within the political media landscape due to its following among journalists, commentators, celebrities, and more. Elon says, “The reason I acquired Twitter is because it’s important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence.” Anyone who is looking to become a thought leader in the social space should be looking at all avenues of the social media landscape, including Twitter (regardless of how you feel about Elon Musk). Elon Musk is the first person to have taken five different companies in five separate verticals and built billion-dollar businesses from the ground up. You can expect Twitter to transform as a result of Musk’s acquisition, especially since Twitter really hasn’t changed much in terms of its functionality since its inception.

  • Elon Musk is entertaining the idea of reintroducing Vine. Vine really laid the groundwork for today’s social media. Before Vine, social media platforms were primarily photo-based. Vine was the only quick, funny, entertainment-driven site. It was the first platform to introduce what we have today as modern social media. Elon Musk bringing Vine back as a competitor to TikTok could be incredibly successful. Additionally, in times of recessions, entertainment-based media and social media outlets always thrive. It could be a perfect storm to bring back Vine as a competitor to TikTok. Vine has a big nostalgia factor for people, so it’s possible if it came back, people would be eager to produce less on TikTok (or leave TikTok altogether) in favor of creating content on Vine.

  • What does this all mean for interior designers? Take stock of your current content on other platforms (like TikTok), and start taking steps to prepare this content to transition to Vine. Prepare your content in advance so, should Vine come back, you’ll be ready the second it launches. You don’t want to begin your content creation post-launch. If your content is already prepared for Vine, you can be a first-mover, which is incredibly important. Getting on a social platform early can have a huge impact on your following and offer other big advantages. If you’re already creating content for Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, you should be able to repurpose this for Vine - make sure your video content is incredibly organized on your computer or hard drive so you can immediately plug and play if Vine comes back.

  • There was an outage on Instagram where everyone was losing a ton of followers. There were many reports of people being suspended from their accounts randomly. Within a couple hours, it seemingly resolved and the followers returned. Was it a bug, or was it a hacker? What do you think? Either way, it seems everything is back to normal (for now).

You can check out this podcast episode here:

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