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Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 44

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 44 - December 19, 2022

I’ve got 7 great interior design business podcasts for you this fine Monday morning. Happy listening & happy learning.

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Design.Peace.Freedom with Guest Sarah Conti - 30 min

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams - How to Easily Create a Strategic Plan for Your Design Firm - 23 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: Are you shadowbanned on Instagram?! - 4 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - The Right Design Agreement To Protect Your Profit & Peace of Mind - 55 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - How to Grow Your Design Team Without Overhead - 26 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - Looking back on an eventful year in the design industry - 1 hr 3 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - 23 Best Books Every Interior Designer Should Have for Business & Personal Growth - 16 min

Interior Design Business - Design.Peace.Freedom with Guest Sarah Conti - 30 min

What’s it like to be a student at the Interior Design Business Academy? 

In this episode, host Terri Taylor chats with her IDBA student and amazing interior designer, Sarah Conti, to talk all about her journey. 

Sarah is sharing her story from discovering a passion for design at a young age to starting a business and eventually realizing that she needed help if she wanted to grow. She’s sharing the takeaways from the Interior Design Business Academy program that have allowed her the freedom to work fewer hours, take on only her ideal clients, and do what she loves most. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit is a Choice - How to Easily Create a Strategic Plan for Your Design Firm - 23 min

In today’s episode, host Michele Williams is rerunning episode 131 of the Profit Is A Choice podcast, “How to easily create a strategic plan for your design firm.”

Topics Mentioned: 

  • Vision


  • Milestones

  • Goals 

Key Thoughts:

  • A strategic plan, simply put, is a document that tells where a company or organization is going. Consider it your road map for traveling into the future with your business. Michele (4:54)  

  • Part of the beauty of creating a plan is having an idea of where you are going so you can plan in advance. Michele (10:24)   

  • Every company has a limited supply of resources. These resources can be time, money, and people. Knowing how to spend each of these gives us an advantage. Michele (15:40) 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: Are you shadowbanned on Instagram?! - 4 min

Are you shadowbanned on Instagram?! How do you find out, and more importantly, how do you fix it? Wingnut Social’s Social Media Manager Abby Wideman is here today to walk us through a new Instagram feature that will show you whether or not your content is getting recommended to other users (a.k.a. if you're shadowbanned or not). This new Instagram feature will also tell you exactly how to fix your shadowban and get your content out there again!


  • One of Instagram’s main goals in 2022 was to be more transparent with its users. We’ve seen this goal met as Instagram has been more open about how the algorithm works, plus they’ve launched a few new helpful features for creators. The latest update will allow users to see whether or not their content is eligible to be recommended in places like the explore page or the recommended feed. In other words, you’ll be able to finally find out whether or not you’ve been shadowbanned. Shadowbanning is when you are boxed out of a social media platform because the platform is preventing your content from reaching other users. Not only will you be able to see the status of your account, Instagram will provide pointers on how to rectify past issues that have gone against their community guidelines, so you’ll have the opportunity to correct this issue and get your content back out there.

  • To access this new feature, go to your profile on Instagram. Click the menu. From there, you’ll click Settings, Account, and Account Status. On this page, it will show you whether or not you’ve posted something that would affect your account status, or prevent your content from being recommended to other users. If everything is in good shape, but you still aren’t seeing the results you’d like with your content, then it’s time to address if your content is just not resonating with people. Overall, this update is extremely helpful. Before this update, if someone let you know they weren’t seeing your content, or if you noticed in your Insights that your reach had dropped, you wouldn’t have known why. You may have assumed you were shadowbanned. This update dispels that myth and you’re able to find out the exact reason why your content may not be getting pushed out - or if you just need to improve your content.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - The Right Design Agreement To Protect Your Profit & Peace of Mind - 55 min

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt discusses her approach to your design agreement…

Believe it or not, I see so many designers flying without a net, which is what I call it when you work without a letter of agreement or with one that has absolutely no protection for you in it. A letter of agreement is just another word for a contract, but it sounds much friendlier. Most importantly, a letter of agreement will outline all stipulations, clauses, and information that you and your client need to set up a positive and professional project timeline.

Your business needs to have a document that provides protection for your profits and peace of mind for you as the principal of the firm while at the same time providing clarity and confidence to your client. And even though this is so important, the legalese that most contracts are written in often makes both designers and clients uncomfortable and overwhelmed.

My attorney-approved letter of agreement template is written in plain English and covers everything needed for protection from any snafus that may arise. And in today’s episode, I will walk you through my process of creating the right letter of agreement that is not going to overwhelm you or your clients but will still provide all of the clarity, confidence, and cohesiveness needed for your next project.


  • How to craft a thorough and protective letter of agreement in plain English that will be easy for you and your clients to navigate

  • Which clauses to walk your clients through when reviewing your Letter of Agreement

  • The importance of presentation and ease of information when crafting your letter

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show - How to Grow Your Design Team Without Overhead - 26 min

Have you ever wished you could hire someone to help with your interior design firm without having to spend weeks training them or months holding their hand? If so, it's time to consider skipping your next intern and jumping straight to a true, experienced professional.

In today’s episode, host Kate Greunke chats with Kate Saunders of The Designer's Collab aka the fairy godmother of interior design businesses. She's experienced, she adapts to your business, and she will make your business more efficient while helping you stress about less.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home - Looking back on an eventful year in the design industry - 1 hr 3 min

This week on the podcast host Dennis Scully is joined by BOH’s editor in chief Kaitlin Petersen and executive editor Fred Nicolaus. Together they look back on an eventful year in the design industry and ahead at what’s to come in the new year. Topics include the two companies that will determine the future of the industry, which tech innovations actually matter, and why, despite economic stormclouds, 2023 might be the year to fall back in love with design.  

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - 23 Best Books Every Interior Designer Should Have for Business & Personal Growth - 16 min

Need help deciding what to put on your Christmas wish list?

In today's episode, host Rebecca Ward shares 23 books you should check to know more about interior design as a career and a business. These books are great for your holiday wish list, as they are a must-read if you are starting out in interior design or building a business around it.


  • Find out how audiobooks can help you get into the habit of reading

  • Learn about the 23 books Rebecca recommends for interior design, business, money mindset, and personal development.

  • Find out why reading is better than searching online for information

Show Notes:

03:17 – How creating what she needed started The Prototype

You can check out this podcast episode here:

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