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Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 34

Interior Design Business Podcasts Episode 34 - December 5, 2022

So many great interior design business podcasts for your Monday morning. And most of them are short episodes…so the knowledge : time expended ratio is super-high.

Happy learning everybody :)

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Moving Upmarket Part 2 - 25 min

  • Profit Is A Choice - Michele Williams - Is Your Workplace Toxic? - 10 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News: How to Get More Subscribers with YouTube Shorts - 6 min

  • Designed for the Creative Mind - Michelle Lynne - Getting Started with VIP Days: Simplify Your Life with this Brilliant Business Model with Sarah Masci - 30 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - How To Prepare For Uncertain Economic Times - 42 min

  • The Kate Show - Kate Greunke - 6 Wise Tactics for New & Creative Business Owners - 22 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Amber Lewis sees the glass half full - 51 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - An Experts' Startup Checklist to Effectively Launch Your Interior Design Business - 12 min

Interior Design Business - Moving Upmarket Part 2 - 25 min

Are you trying to move your business upmarket? Perhaps you’ve realized that you’re not getting paid what you’re worth or you want to get some of your time back. Whatever your reason is, it’s not too late to start moving upmarket! 

In this episode about moving upmarket, host Terri Taylor talks about some technical and physical things you can do to shift your interior design business toward higher budgets, higher-paying clients, and better jobs. Terri covers how to charge more, why you need a sales system, how to say no, and so much more! 

If you want to hear about the mindset work that goes into this process, go back and catch Part 1! 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit Is A Choice - Is Your Workplace Toxic? - 10 min

Do you know how to define a toxic workplace? Are you the one bringing the discord into the office or is someone else? Maybe you are looking for a job and want to know what to steer clear from. Today, host Michele Williams talks about what makes a workplace feel yuk – and how to spot areas for improvement.


  • Bullying

  • Belittling

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

Key Thoughts:

  • It is possible for even the healthiest of companies to have some dysfunction, just like any family or group of people.  However, a toxic environment is even more than generalized dysfunction – it is harmful. Michele (1:11) 

  • Toxic work environments can be created by the owners and managers or by the employees. What is most important is that these attitudes and actions are recognized and stopped immediately.  Michele (3:31) 

  • Creating a company that others want to be a part of takes intention. That is what we focus on so much on this podcast – profitability by intention. Michele (6:34) 

  • Just because your environment is toxic now doesn’t mean it must stay that way. And just because it is safe doesn’t mean it won’t become toxic. Michele (8:15) 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed by Wingnut Social - Mini News: How to Get More Subscribers with YouTube Shorts - 6 min

On this week’s Mini News sesh, Emily Labarbera and Lilah Monahan discuss YouTube Shorts. Do Shorts really matter? How do Shorts impact your YouTube channel as a whole? If you’re already posting on TikTok and Instagram, do you need to post YouTube Shorts as well?


  • Did you know that 75% of YouTube users engage with Shorts in some form? 70% of web users regularly watch short-form video. This being said, Shorts are definitely a rising competitor to TikTok and Instagram Reels. If you're a YouTube user, you should be using Shorts, too. In the last month, 74.4% of YouTube viewers that have found our channel (Wingnut Social) discovered it via their Shorts feed.

  • YouTube is testing new monetization options, including product tagging, which will be similar to Instagram and TikTok. What does this mean for interior designers, architects, and home brands? Well, you'll be able to tag your products in your Shorts!

  • If you're already creating videos for TikTok and Instagram, upload them to YouTube as well. You'll be getting even more value out of your effort. Videos under 60 seconds will automatically be shared as Shorts, similar to how videos on Instagram are automatically shared as Reels. If you also create long-form content, your Shorts can help users discover those longer videos. Here's a tip for your Shorts: YouTube is very SEO-heavy, meaning keywords in your video titles and descriptions are super important. Your Shorts "captions" are going to look different from an Instagram Reel or TikTok caption, which are more reliant on hashtags.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed for the Creative Mind - Getting Started with VIP Days: Simplify Your Life with this Brilliant Business Model with Sarah Masci - 30 min

In today’s episode, host Michelle Lynne interviews Sarah Masci. Sarah is the CEO and Founder of Day Rate Mastery®, an online company that teaches expert service providers how to work less and make more with a streamlined “VIP Day” business model. If your days are filled with scope creep, inconsistent timelines, and overlapping client projects, this model may be a great fit for your business.

In this episode, Sarah explains what exactly VIP Days are and how they work, the benefits of switching from hour-by-hour client work to VIP Days, and what characteristics make for a great client of a VIP Day offer. You don’t want to miss another great DFCM episode.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative - How To Prepare For Uncertain Economic Times - 42 min

The past few years were a great time for design firms, with an extraordinarily high demand for our creative services. However, the times are beginning to change and we are seeing more and more economic uncertainty, which can be unsettling for many designers. Recessions are a normal part of economic cycles and we can't avoid them. But, we can be prepared to not only survive them, but to even thrive during them.

One of the keys to surviving an economic downturn is to avoid panic and worry and instead, apply strategic safeguards and seek creative growth opportunities. To make sure that your business is prepared, it is time to evaluate and streamline. I want you entering these uncertain times debt free, or as close to it as possible to reduce your risk.

It may take some careful consideration to get there, but it starts with pushing your creative boundaries and embracing new solutions that your creative mind is already so prepared to find. In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt shares her ten tips to prepare for the economic uncertainty that we are starting to experience. These tips will help you to be strategic and focused and will give you a sense of confidence and ease that will help you breathe easier and feel prepared for anything that may come your way.


  • Ten tips for surviving and thriving during economic uncertainty

  • The importance of building and maintaining an emergency fund

  • How your creativity can be used in your favor when looking for new ways to streamline your business practices

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Kate Show - 6 Wise Tactics for New & Creative Business Owners - 22 min

In today’s episode, host Kate Greunke peels back the curtain and shares some of her own business mistakes, pitfalls, aha moments and offers advice on how we can learn from her experience…

If I could go back to 2014 and give myself some words of wisdom as a new business owner, I'd have a lot to say. I'd give myself a heads-up on every mistake the "older" me would make and share how the "younger" me could avoid those pitfalls. The thing is...those experiences, especially the bad ones, brought me something incredibly valuable as an entrepreneur: Wisdom.

My friend, today's episode of The Kate Show is for the newbies. If you recently started your journey in the home industry, as in, you launched your business less than two years ago, you'll want to listen closely. I'm not dropping any wisdom that is new to the face of the earth, but if you can take a nugget of something with you to make your journey easier, then my job will be complete and I'll shut down my podcast. Just kidding, I have a lot more podcasting to do.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - Amber Lewis sees the glass half full - 51 min

To the outside world, Amber Lewis is an interior designer. Behind the scenes, her business is a complex operation with more than 100 employees, tackling everything from retail shops, product design and e-commerce to books, licenses and residential projects. Lewis has grown it piece by piece over the past decade, bootstrapping the company, without outside funding.

On this episode of the podcast, she speaks with host Denis Scully about the challenge of turning creativity on and off at will, running a big business with a small business mindset, and how a serious medical diagnosis gave her a new perspective on work and life.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Design Curious - An Experts' Startup Checklist to Effectively Launch Your Interior Design Business - 12 min

Are you planning to launch your interior design business?

Starting a business can be an overwhelming process, but don't worry - host Rebecca Ward has a list of action items (a part of the business starter checklist from her My Design Mentor program) that’ll help you get started, as well as some helpful tips on the tasks you'll need to complete to make your business dreams a reality.

This is the business starter kit Rebecca wishes she had when she was starting her own design business.

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode

  • Learn what is in Rebecca’s Design Mentor Business Starter Kit

  • Discover the importance of separating your business from personal

  • Find out the pros and cons of using your name as your business name


2:05 – What’s in My Design Mentor Business Starter Kit

3:41 – Action Item #1: Decide on Your Business Name

4:14 – How to make the challenging process of coming up with your business name fun

5:20 – How to plan for succession

6:06 – Action Item #2: Create a Business Email

7:14 – Action Item #3: Create a Business Phone Number

7:46 – Action Item #4: Apply for Your EIN (Employer Identification Number) From the IRS

8:48 – Action Item #5: Open a Business Bank Account 

9:48 – How to access Action Steps #6 to #19 from the Business Starter Kit which are more reliant on hashtags.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

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