Interior DesignHer

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Flexible Planning = Interior Design Business Success

Today’s crop of interior design business podcasts has got me 100% excited.

Coming from 4 different people with different personalities & approaches to business success - Marc Müskens, Erin Weir, Desi Creswell and Darla Powell - all 4 episodes highlight my belief that interior design business success requires two things:

  1. A plan, process, guiding philosophy, etc. Your business needs structure. Boring but true.

  2. Within that structure, you have to be flexible. Life is going to hand you opportunities and if you are unable to pivot, you will miss them.

Balancing structure & flexibility isn’t an easy task, but if you can do it…the sky is the limit for your interior design business.

So much good stuff from today’s podcast guests Kathryn Greeley, Isabella Patrick and Cheryl Luckett.

Enjoy :)

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

  • Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Unlock Your Design Potential: Insights from Marc Müskens - 25 min

  • Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Collected Wisdom (Kathryn Greeley) - 44 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - CEO Transformation: Isabella Patrick’s Journey to Success - 59 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Get a Licensing Deal by Building Relationships With Vendors - 37 min

Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Unlock Your Design Potential: Insights from Marc Müskens - 25 min

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Marc Müskens is an interior design business coach - Institute of Interior Impact - with a unique approach to helping designers improve & scale their businesses. In today’s podcast episode, Marc pulls back the curtain to his unique method.

Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Collected Wisdom (Kathryn Greeley) - 44 min

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In today’s episode, host Erin Weir unearths some pearls of wisdom from veteran interior designer Kathryn Greeley. During their chat, Kathryn reminds all of us that our design careers are NOT going to travel in a straight line. Opportunities will arise as we move along our path and that those opportunities may take you in different - better - directions.

It takes a lot of perseverance, determination, hard work, and a bit of luck to operate an interior design business for more than 40 years. Where you end up may be very different from where you started. Along the way you come to realize that success comes from being true to your passions and following your dreams.

The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - CEO Transformation: Isabella Patrick’s Journey to Success - 59 min

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In this episode, host Desi Creswell interviews one of her coaching clients, diving deep into how her coaching has helped her Out of Overwhelm client, Isabella Patrick grow her business.

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Get a Licensing Deal by Building Relationships With Vendors - 37 min

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Following the theme of today’s ID business podcasts, today’s Designed by Wingnut Social episode is all about business-boosting pivots, collaborations and shaping your business for success. Unique to Darla Powell’s chat with designer Cheryl Luckett is the investigation into how Cheryl landed a lucrative licensing deal by building relationships with vendors. If this doesn’t get your business brain buzzing…

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