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Make Your Interior Design Business Better: It’s Time to Take Action

Great business advice is…great. But, without action, even the best advice is useless. At some point, you have to TAKE ACTION.

Today is a great day to take action to improve your interior design business.

And by the way…documenting those action steps - and missteps - and sharing on social is a great way to build your brand. Your future clients are going to love learning about your journey towards awesomeness.

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

  • The Mindful Designer - Timothy Murenzi - The Client Discovery Call Chronicles - 12 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do: How To Turn Your Aha’s into Action - 37 min

  • Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - The Price is the Price- selling products for the win - 46 min

  • Roadmap to Referrals - Stacey Brown Randall - What People Get Wrong About Referrals - 28 min

The Mindful Designer - Timothy Murenzi - The Client Discovery Call Chronicles - 12 min

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In this episode, host Timothy Murenzi talks about how you can identify a problem client even before it gets to the consultation!

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do: How To Turn Your Aha’s into Action - 37 min

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In today‘s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is talking about how to turn our aha moments into actionable steps that will help us achieve our goals for our businesses and our lives. You will hear some of the amazing insights from Amber De La Garza, a productivity coach who was a guide at LuAnn Live, and how she taught us to get our CRAP together.

LuAnn's Ah-Ha Moments:

  • “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” -LuAnn

  • “The best version of your well designed business is only achievable through a well designed life. They are intertwined, without question.” -LuAnn

Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - The Price is the Price- selling products for the win - 46 min

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Why are selling products a win? Hosts Cheryl Clendenon and Liz Lapan delve into the balance between selling design services and products and unveil key strategies for successful navigation of the procurement process. Selling product is not for the faint of heart - you will face challenges in managing inventory, shipping and managing vendor relationships but is worth it in the long run.

And here is the biggest win of all---Creating a dynamic where "the price is the price". We rarely have issues with pricing. In fact we never have issues with pricing-- because we create the win for the client too. This is the biggest secret of a business like yours and ours---making the process a win for all involved.

Roadmap to Referrals - Stacey Brown Randall - What People Get Wrong About Referrals - 28 min

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Referrals are not just a nice to have but an excellent way to grow your business and can make all the difference in generating consistent and natural growth. It's crucial to get the correct information and avoid common misconceptions when it comes to referrals.

In this episode, host Stacey Brown Randall debunks some common misconceptions about referrals and provide valuable insights on leveraging the science of referrals to build a referable business. We'll explore the difference between basic follow-up, keeping in touch, and staying top of mind. Plus, Stacey shows us how to make it work without drowning in follow-up.