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The Profitable Interior Designer: Podcasts for Success

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 239

In today’s installment of interior design business podcasts, we’ve got six stupendous episodes from hosts LuAnn Nigara, Cheryl Kees Clendenon, Liz Lapan, Renée Biery, Stacey Brown Randall, Rachel Larraine and Kimberley Seldon.

Today’s podcast guests include Lacey Michalek and Christina Kim.

Enjoy :)

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: 3 Beliefs Holding Back Your Interior Design Business (and How to Avoid Them) - 24 min

  • Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - Say No to the Big "O" - 46 min

  • Only Girl on the Jobsite - Renée Biery - How to Determine a Projects Value - 24 min

  • Roadmap to Referrals - Stacey Brown Randall - Growing Through Referrals… An Interior Designer’s Story - 33 min

  • The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Networking Newbies: Top 5 Mistakes New Interior Designers Make - 12 min

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Accept Full Responsibility with Christina Kim - 32 min

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - What Would Lu Do?: 3 Beliefs Holding Back Your Interior Design Business (and How to Avoid Them) - 24 min

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In today‘s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is talking about charging. She goes over the three common beliefs that hold us back from achieving our full potential:

  • that our clients only want the biggest discount,

  • that we deliver a shoppable product,

  • and that we are competing with everyone else.

Damn Good Interior Design - Cheryl Kees Clendenon and Liz Lapan - Say No to the Big "O" - 46 min

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Cheryl does not hold back today on how she feels about being “overwhelmed.” In their conversation, Cheryl and Liz discuss the influence of negativity within our language on one's mindset, self-assurance, teamwork, and client relationships.

As you reflect on their discussion, remember two key points:

  1. Resilience is king

  2. Confidence is the currency of success.


  • [:39] Cheryl and Liz discuss the word “overwhelmed” and what it does to your thought processes and emotions

  • [3:45] Words matter, and being “overwhelmed” should be reframed to “overcoming obstacles” and being “resilient”

  • [10:12] There are things to do to be response-oriented

  • [13:47] Liz discusses how she and Cheryl approach obstacles. Cheryl insists on being active and not passive

  • [18:50] Cheryl talks about the importance of the client seeing that you are in control

  • [24:34] Building trust with the client is essential, and it’s not about your feelings. It is about how you think about your feelings

  • [32.54] What is the recipe for how to manage obstacles and the importance of your team seeing confidence and not falling apart

  • [42:19] Cheryl’s damn good truth

Only Girl on the Jobsite - Renée Biery - How to Determine a Projects Value - 24 min

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No two projects are alike. I know that can unnerve some of you, but I want you to think about it as a positive thing as it allows you to evaluate each project. Today, I want to talk about how to evaluate each project by the value it will bring to you and your business!

Roadmap to Referrals - Stacey Brown Randall - Growing Through Referrals… An Interior Designer’s Story - 33 min

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As a business owner there is nothing quite like the light bulb going off in your mind that gives you the direction you need.

Lacey Michalek is a Houston Interior Designer who experienced a major mindset shift around referrals. Learn how a light bulb moment transformed Lacey's business and how it can transform yours too.

The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine - Networking Newbies: Top 5 Mistakes New Interior Designers Make - 12 min

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This week, host Rachel Larraine is taking on a suggested topic from a podcast listener, a new interior design firm that wants to learn more about networking.

Rachel believes networking can be a gamechanger in the interior design industry, so learning how to make meaningful connections from the start is really important. But when you’re new, there’s a few common mistakes you might make. She’s sharing 5 of those mistakes and how you can avoid them so you can start building a strong network right from the start.

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Accept Full Responsibility with Christina Kim - 32 min

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If you want to feel truly empowered and liberated in your business, then accept responsibility for everything. Once you do that, when problems arise, you have agency to fix them. Plus, you’ll be surrounded by an A-Team that has your back at all times. Yes, there's risk, but there’s also risk when you allow others to take the lead on the project. Own it and feel the power!

In this episode we learn:

  • take the lead on the project

  • build a reliable A-Team and you will take care of each other

  • set a kickoff meeting with everyone involved in the project

  • be clear and concise with all client and trade communication

  • set and stick to hard boundaries

  • blow them away on presentation day

  • weekly email updates are a must