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Podcast Power for Interior Design Entrepreneurs

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 236

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts consists of three episodes from three of my favorite hosts Tobi Fairley, Rebecca Hay and Dennis Scully.

Today’s podcast guests include interior designer and certified life coach Kricia Palmer, career transition mentor and coach Angela Wilson, BOH executive editor Fred Nicolaus and journalist Chris Moody.

So much good advice for improving & scaling your interior design business.

  • The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - The Power of Authenticity on Social Media with Kricia Palmer - 45 min

  • Resilient by Design - Rebecca Hay - How to determine if a career transition is right for you with Angela Wilson - 47 min

  • Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - The Thursday Show: The mysteries of white paint, a landmark real estate lawsuit and more - 45 min

The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - The Power of Authenticity on Social Media with Kricia Palmer - 45 min

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What is the secret to social media success? For interior designer and certified life coach Kricia Palmer, it's been authenticity. Kricia thought she had tried everything for years with little traction. That's when she decided to shake things up: work on her mindset, become more consistent, and show up imperfectly. Finally, Kricia is seeing real success and exposure. 

In this episode, Kricia & host Tobi Fairley discuss how Kricia dropped perfectionism and started showing up authentically, and how the mindset shifts she’s made towards self-love have contributed to the social media success she’s experienced in 2023. 

Resilient by Design - Rebecca Hay - How to determine if a career transition is right for you with Angela Wilson - 47 min

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In today’s episode, host Rebecca Hay speaks with Angela Wilson, a career transition mentor and coach about her own deeply personal story of career crisis and how she helps other women with their own. Angela shares tips, advice and exercises that will help listeners self-reflect to identify their own values, strengths, interests and skills to learn how to deeply trust themselves in times of career transition.

Business of Home Podcast - Dennis Scully - The Thursday Show: The mysteries of white paint, a landmark real estate lawsuit and more - 45 min

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BOH executive editor Fred Nicolaus joins host Dennis Scully to discuss the biggest news in the design industry, including a major shakeup in the real estate industry, Pinterest's great quarter, and the decline of the home office. Later, journalist Chris Moody shares takeaways from his deep dive into the world of white paint.  

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