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Interior Design Entrepreneurs Unite: Podcast Recommendations

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 225

In today’s installment of interior design business podcasts, we’ve got four bodacious episodes from hosts Rebecca Ward, Josh Cooperman, Rhiannon Lee and LuAnn Nigara.

Today’s podcast guests include Laura Thornton, Helen Bergin and Cory Simon.

If you’re new to the Interior DesignHer podcast collection, I can guarantee that you will find something in today’s episodes that will help your interior design firm become even more successful than it already is :)

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - The 3 Must-Haves in Running a Profitable Interior Design Business With Laura Thornton - 28 min

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Following A Clear Path to Design Mastery - Helen Bergin

  • Designing Success - Rhiannon Lee - There Are No Stupid Questions, No Judgement, Just Answers.. - 35 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Cory Simon: The Secret to a Successful Interior Design Side Hustle - 1 hr, 8 min

Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - The 3 Must-Haves in Running a Profitable Interior Design Business With Laura Thornton - 28 min

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In today's episode, host Rebecca Ward explores various charging strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding your worth and how tracking every minute of your creative process can be a game-changer

Are you struggling with running your interior design business successfully?

Imagine having the confidence to handle any project and know exactly what steps to take.

Today, host Rebecca Ward is chatting with Laura Thornton, a renowned interior designer & podcast host, on the three fundamental pillars (and I say, a must-have!) that propelled her to run and elevate her Interior Design business. Tune in to hear her advice and tips for becoming confident, consistent, and profitable in every project you undertake.

She is also giving away a free Welcome Guide template. Be sure to grab it to kickstart your marketing efforts and set yourself apart from your competitors.

What are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this treasure trove of insights!

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

  • Discover the three fundamental pillars (a must-have) to thrive in the interior design industry

  • Learn how to infuse confidence, consistency, and profitability into every project

  • Use the Welcome Guide template to get your marketing efforts off to a great start

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Following A Clear Path to Design Mastery - Helen Bergin

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I’m Josh Cooperman and this is Convo By Design with balmy breezes and sublime design as we visit with Palm Beach designer, Helen Bergin. This is the story of a tremendous creative who rose to prominence the “old fashioned” way. Bergin studied her craft, working as a designer from some very talented studios and when it was right, she went out on her own.

Designing Success - Rhiannon Lee - There Are No Stupid Questions, No Judgement, Just Answers.. - 35 min

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This week, host Rhiannon Lee has gone agony aunt style and unpacked some of the questions I get asked the most. These questions usually always start with ‘this is probably a stupid question but…” and yet they are not silly questions - especially while you’re working with hypothetical clients and trying to nut out what documents you need and what you offer etc. 

Let’s unpack 

  •  Investment guide versus welcome guide - what’s the difference anyway? 

  •  What is the difference between a Mood board. Versus concept boards

  • What is the deal with trade discounts? How do I pass them on to the client? What to do when you client ghosts you at time of full payment?

  • How do I handle criticism without taking it personally?

  • How do I say 'no' to a project or client?

  • How Do I Deal With 'Design by Committee'?

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Cory Simon: The Secret to a Successful Interior Design Side Hustle - 1 hr, 8 min

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Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. There are many designers out there looking to grow and scale their businesses, whether they’re coming in from a different career or launching their own firm. But what if you are working your business as a side hustle—and you actually want to keep it that way?

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is joined by Cory Simon of 290 Eliot Interiors. Cory’s working a full-time job, keeping a healthy business on the side, and spending time with her family—all within the same 24 hours a day we all have! You might be wondering how that’s possible—and the answer comes down to efficiency. This is a must-listen if you are juggling your interior design job as a side hustle, or if you simply want to work less hours and get more done!

Pick It Apart

  • [3:02] Cory shares her schedule (and how she manages to run the business working just a couple of hours a day on it!)

  • [8:27] Cory gives an insight into how planning and communication keep her efficient.

  • [24:18] LuAnn and Cory discuss how communication and client expectations matter even more when your business is a side hustle.

  • [33:08] Cory and LuAnn talk about the importance of saying no to the wrong client (and how to do it respectfully).

  • [47:42] Cory shares how viewing the client through an emotional lens helps her understand them and create a better experience for everyone.

LuAnn Nigara and Cory Simon's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “There is an emotional element that it is an emotional roller coaster and you're excited and you're frustrated. And every time you turn a corner people want more money. And so I think sometimes we have to really remember the emotional aspect of a renovation because people aren't just saying things, to say things. They're on an emotional journey, as well as kind of the physical journey of their home.” -Cory

  • “If we could just understand that the job that you say yes to that you know doesn't have the right budget is probably going to take you longer to do and you will actually earn less money at the end when you do the autopsy if you are present enough to do the autopsy of the project. And if you had just said no, you would have either put more energy into a current project and made it that much better or had the time available for a new client to come through the door. But saying yes to the wrong things is rarely a good idea.” -LuAnn

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