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The Podcast Path to Interior Design Business Success

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 220

In today’s installment of interior design business podcasts, we’ve got five great episodes from hosts Marianne Cherico, Renée Biery, Rick Campos, Rebecca Ward and LuAnn Nigara.

Today’s podcast guests include Heather Cooke, Jessica Jones and Kate Figler.

If you’re new to the Interior DesignHer podcast collection, I can guarantee that you will find something in today’s episodes that will help your interior design firm become even more successful than it already is :)

Today’s Interior Design Podcast Episodes:

  • Home Stagers and Designers on Fire - Marianne Cherico - Create an Effective Instagram Strategy - 48 min - 17 min

  • Only Girl on the Jobsite - Renée Biery - Holidays and Deadlines: Balancing Design Projects in 4th Quarter - 24 min

  • Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Jessica Jones - Journey to Entrepreneurship - 35 min

  • Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - How To Charge Your Interior Design Skills With Confidence - 21 min

  • A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Kate Figler: Begin Where You Mean To Go: Secrets & Risks of Accelerated Business Growth - 1 hr, 3 min

Home Stagers and Designers on Fire - Marianne Cherico - Create an Effective Instagram Strategy - 48 min - 17 min

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In today’s episode, host Marianne Cherico interviews Heather Cooke. Heather's marketing firm, The Social Stager, caters to Home Stagers to help them simplify their Social Media marketing so that they boost their engagement online and get more sales. 

You will learn:

  • what to do on Instagram if you are brand new

  • the strategy behind posting reels, stories or posts

  • how to gain a following of potential Ideal Clients

  • why Heather loves Instagram stories

  • what to do if you have more than 1 ideal client

  • how to build brand awareness

  • when and how to post about your personal life

  • what the algirithm currently favors

  • the importance of captions and how to use them effectively

  • Join Heather and I as we discuss how to create an effective instagram strategy.

Only Girl On The Jobsite - Renée Biery - Holidays and Deadlines: Balancing Design Projects in 4th Quarter - 24 min

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There are many unique challenges interior designers face when managing construction projects during the 4th quarter, particularly around the holiday season!

In today’s episode, host Renée Biery shares how we need to start talking about the holiday season NOW with our clients! And this goes beyond Thanksgiving and Christmas meals….There will be parties being thrown, new projects being proposed, deadlines needing to be met, vacations being taken, and more! Proactively planning and communicating effectively NOW will ensure a smooth and much more enjoyable experience for both designers and clients during the holiday season.

Design Biz Survival Guide - Rick Campos - Jessica Jones - Journey to Entrepreneurship - 35 min

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In today’s episode, host Rick Campos welcomes Jessica Jones of Jess Jones Design Group, a full-service interior design studio based in Orange County, California. Jessica shares how ten years under the wing of an established designer prepared her for her own entrepreneurial journey in the business of design. Jess shares the self-discovery process she experienced while developing and refining her business model, and we also discuss her leadership role with ASID and the impact that the experience had on her life and business.

In this episode, Jess shares the challenges and rewards of launching her own design business. Discover the leadership skills she had to develop, the processes she learned, and the relationships she built along the way.

Show Highlights:

  • The importance of having structure and boundaries when working from home.

  • Jones' leadership experience in the ASID Orange County chapter and its impact on her personal and professional growth.

  • Emphasizing the importance of a supportive design community and the value of collaboration over competition.

  • Managing client expectations, handling mistakes, and redefining success on your own terms.

  • Insights on design retreats and their role in Jones' personal and professional growth.

  • The significance of building relationships with clients, colleagues, and industry representatives.

Design Curious - Rebecca Ward - How To Charge Your Interior Design Skills With Confidence - 21 min

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Getting paid as an interior designer, whether you are a solopreneur or working for a design firm, is a hot topic at the conventions and markets, as well as within the interior design business coaching classes and courses. The struggles of pricing your creative work and determining your value are real, and they often deter interior designers from fully embracing this fulfilling career.

In today's episode, host Rebecca Ward explores various charging strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding your worth and how tracking every minute of your creative process can be a game-changer in managing projects efficiently and setting the right fees.

If you are looking for actionable strategies and empowering mindsets to help you confidently charge what you are worth and thrive in the world of interior design, this episode is for you.

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

  • Discover different charging strategies used by successful interior designers

  • Understand the significance of recognizing and valuing your expertise and creative time as an interior designer

  • Assess whether you estimate, track, and optimize your fees for your design projects effectively

A Well-Designed Business - LuAnn Nigara - Kate Figler: Begin Where You Mean To Go: Secrets & Risks of Accelerated Business Growth - 1 hr, 3 min

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In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara is joined by Kate Figler, of Kate Figler Interiors. After moving her firm from the northeast to Nashville, Kate exponentially rebuilt and expanded her clientele and became a well-established design name. Kate has this motto that I was excited to dive into with her that can increase your success and profitability.

Pick It Apart

  • [1:51] Kate explains what she means by “Begin as you mean to go.”

  • [13:55] How Kate developed her processes and procedures off the bat.

  • [18:00] Kate’s advice in handling client onboarding.

  • [29:55] Explaining to the client that things may happen, but giving them comfort that you are prepared for anything and in control.

  • [37:40] Make sure your clients know that you respect the trades.

  • [40:35] Kate explains her philosophy on chasing opportunities.

LuAnn Nigara and Kate Figler's Ah-Ha Moments

  • “A lot of people feel intimidated by the business aspect of this industry. Don’t be. You can learn it. There are millions of people out there you can reach out to. And if it isn’t making sense to you from one person, you can call someone else. Keep going until it makes sense to you.” - Kate Figler

  • “Begin where you mean to go to means that getting it done ahead of time ensures that you’re ready for when the train starts to go,” - LuAnn Nigara

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