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Level Up Your Interior Design Business with Expert Podcasts

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 216

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts consists of six episodes from hosts Kimberley Seldon, Josh Cooperman, Kylie Tyrell, Desi Creswell, Darla Powell, Gail Doby and Erin Weir.

Today’s podcast guests include Jessica Lackey, Tiffany Cassidy, Warren Shoulberg and Garrison Hullinger.

So much good advice for leveling up your interior design business.

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Collective Wellbeing with Jessica Lackey - 27 min

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Kitchen and Bath Evolution - Tiffany Cassidy of Lagnappe Interiors - 53 min

  • Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 6 Types of Content to Post on Instagram - 18 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Pep Talk: Waiting for Perfect Conditions? - 12 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Will the Home Furnishings Industry Make a Comeback? - 27 min

  • Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Taking Care of Business (Garrison Hullinger) - 57 min

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Collective Wellbeing with Jessica Lackey - 27 min

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Interior design business owners are frequently focused on client facing experience, and that’s important, but your team is having an experience working with you too. Setting a healthy culture for everyone in your business orbit is within your power.

However, if you are constantly focused on the next task and ignoring sustainable process, it’s a recipe for disaster. To grow your business without compromising creativity and quality, implement systems to build a better culture and foster collective well-being.

In this episode we learn:

  • there is a tangible cost to working out of balance and without process

  • avoid judging success only by the bottom line

  • a desire to grow might be hurting the collective wellbeing of clients, team and community

  • sometimes you have to step out of doing the day to day tasks to become a strategic leader

  • what can entrepreneurs learn from large corporations

  • operations manuals sets culture and honors the boundaries of teammates

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Kitchen and Bath Evolution - Tiffany Cassidy of Lagnappe Interiors - 53 min

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In this episode, host Josh Cooperman chats with Tiffany Cassidy of Lagnappe Interiors about what is transpiring in the kitchen and bath space, in real time and the developments are extraordinary.

Tiffany shares her experience working on projects that are leveling up the form and functionality in the kitchen and bath spaces. This is important because there are some dramatic changes afoot and you are going to hear all about it.

Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 6 Types of Content to Post on Instagram - 18 min

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The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Pep Talk: Waiting for Perfect Conditions? - 12 min

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Conditions and circumstances in our lives rarely align perfectly. We’re almost guaranteed to have obstacles come up in our schedule or not be in the mood to do what we know we want or need to do. And if you’re always waiting or wishing for perfect conditions to arrive, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Learn what the trap of waiting for perfect conditions can look or sound like and how to start recognizing this pattern for yourself. Host Desi Creswell is showing us why we don’t have to wait for perfect conditions to get a lot done and how to begin challenging ourselves on the conditions we think we need to take action.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • What the trap of waiting for perfect conditions can look or sound like.

  • The consequences of waiting for perfect conditions to take action.

  • Why you must define the conditions you require for taking action.

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Will the Home Furnishings Industry Make a Comeback? - 27 min

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The home furnishings industry has changed a lot over the past few years, especially during the pandemic when people sought to upgrade their living spaces. Well, what’s going on in the furniture industry now? Host Darla Powerll chats with Warren Shoulberg to get the full rundown.

Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Taking Care of Business (Garrison Hullinger) - 57 min

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Your business doesn’t stop just because you’re busy. In addition to doing projects, you need to be working on your business every day. That includes marketing, scouting for new opportunities, building and maintaining relationships, developing your team, and keeping an eye on the bottom line. To manage all that, you have to have processes, procedures and routines in place to grease the wheels and give you time to deal with what most requires attention.

In this podcast, host Gail Doby talks with Garrison Hullinger, president of Garrison Hullinger Interior Design in Portland, Oregon. For over thirteen years, he has grown his business from a sole practitioner working out of his attic to a highly successful mid-sized design firm with at one time as many as thirty-four employees. 

One way Garrison looks out for his business is by keeping tabs on industry and economic trends and forecasts. They help him determine where new opportunities and challenges might arise. He advised looking beyond your market to indicators in related industries that can be bellwethers of future shifts in demand for design services. In particular, he mentioned the Architecture Billings Index (ABI) released monthly by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Having forewarning of changes, whether good or bad, allows you to make contingency plans. That way you will be prepared to take advantage of new opportunities or to safeguard against downturns.

Garrison also stressed the importance of being proactive. Don’t wait for conditions to improve and hope projects will come your way. “Go out and get the business that’s available to you,” he said.

When business slows down, Garrison explained, he personally makes calls to top-tier clients and former prospects whose projects he wasn’t able to take on earlier to drum up new business. “Sometimes that’s all it takes to be relevant, to be top-of-mind,” he said.

“Don’t wait until your pipeline is dry to fill it,” added Gail. You need to be working on getting new business every day.

Toward the end, Garrison talked extensively about how he has focused his business around defining its scope and the deliverables it offers.

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