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The Interior DesignHer Business School is Back in Session

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 196

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts is my first since returning from my vacation at beautiful Wasaga Beach. School is back in session…my lil one started Grade 3 yesterday…and we’ve got 8 fantastic podcast episodes designed to level up your own interior design business education.

We’ve got episodes from hosts Josh Cooperman, Kimberley Seldon, Kylie Tyrell, Desi Creswell, Rachel Larraine Crawford, Timothy Murenzi and Hannah Bowyer, Darla Powell, Gail Doby and Erin Weir.

Today’s podcast guests include Andi Morse, Joe Borress, Luann Nigara, Sasha Pusey, Jerome Myers and Nancy Charbonneau.

So…who’s ready to go back to interior design business school???

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Repping ATL with Beautiful Work in an Emerging World-Class Design Destinations - Andi Morse - 1 hr, 1 min

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Do More With Lighting with Joe Borress - 39 min

  • Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - That time I interviewed Luann Nigara - not to be missed - 52 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Arrival Fallacy - 18 min

  • The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine Crawford - Building Your Own Interior Design Business with Sasha Pusey - 47 min

  • The Interior Design Consultant - Timothy Murenzi and Hannah Bowyer - It's A Slow Season. Get More Clients! - 15 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Navigating the Exit Paradox w Jerome Myers - 37 min

  • Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Having the Courage to Change (Nancy Charbonneau) - 45 min

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Repping ATL with Beautiful Work in an Emerging World-Class Design Destinations - Andi Morse - 1 hr, 1 min

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In today’s episode, host Josh Cooperman is speaking with Atlanta based designer Andi Morse about balance, vibe and having it all. Or getting as close to it as one can.

Born and raised in Atlanta, Andi is married to her college sweetheart and the mother of three daughters. Family comfort is the central influence to her interior design philosophy, and one of the core values of Morse Design. One’s home must reflect the lifestyle of the occupants and resonate with both beauty and functionality. Her passion for creating comfort and style with a southern elegance and grace drive her creative vision. Nothing makes Andi feel better than the happiness on a client’s face at the end of a project.

That’s in the bio. What isn’t mentioned in the bio are the finer nuances in her approach to the work. There is a fun-elegance to the work that appears to be evident in every space regardless of size or color palate. Her approach is layered and collected. You will see an active pursuit of joy and that is one of the things I think I love most about her work. I think you will too.

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Do More With Lighting with Joe Borress - 39 min

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It’s all too evident that many professionals within the design industry are out of step with the latest technology available in the lighting category. Too many decisions about lighting come down to, “that’s just how we’ve always done it”. Designing your lighting plan early and consulting a lighting expert is the most effective way to enhance the quality interior design scheme you created.  

In this episode we learn:

  • how to bring technology into the home without it looking industrial or institutional

  • your lighting drawing from 2023 should not look exactly like your lighting drawing from 1985

  • design early to accommodate everything on the client’s wish list

  • create lighting scenes for the best impact

  • a light fixture costs more because it is a better functioning

  • verify lead times and stick to realistic schedules

Success is not an accident. It's a strategy.

Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - That time I interviewed Luann Nigara - not to be missed - 52 min

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The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - Arrival Fallacy - 18 min

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If you find that you never actually let yourself enjoy the success you’ve created, you have likely fallen prey to a term called arrival fallacy. It's a cycle of belief that can be challenging to opt out of, but the good news is we can learn to work with its presence, and I’m showing you how this week.

Discover how arrival fallacy often shows up for interior design business owners and why we continue to participate in it, even when we know it doesn’t serve us. Hear what happens when you acknowledge the existence of arrival fallacy in your goal-setting process, and my tips for beginning to work with it, rather than against it.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • What the term arrival fallacy means.

  • How arrival fallacy shows up for interior design business owners.

  • Why we don’t opt out of arrival fallacy, even when we experience it over and over.

  • How arrival fallacy is so closely linked to perfectionism.

  • What happens when you acknowledge the existence of arrival fallacy in your goal-setting.

  • How to begin working with the presence of arrival fallacy.

The Holistic Interior Design Business Podcast - Rachel Larraine Crawford - Building Your Own Interior Design Business with Sasha Pusey - 47 min

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This week, host Rachel Larraine Crawford has one of her Design Coven members Sasha Pusey on the podcast to talk about her experience in the interior design industry and how she recently built her own business.

The Interior Design Consultant - Timothy Murenzi and Hannah Bowyer - It's A Slow Season. Get More Clients! - 15 min

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In this episode, host Timothy Murenzi talks about 3 strategies to get more clients during a slow season!

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Navigating the Exit Paradox w Jerome Myers - 37 min

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When you’re a business owner, your business can become your whole identity. So how do you move on with your life once you’ve sold your business? This is the Exit Paradox.

Business strategist Jerome Myers is here to discuss how to prepare for selling your business and developing another sense of purpose.

Creative Genius Podcast - Gail Doby and Erin Weir - Having the Courage to Change (Nancy Charbonneau) - 45 min

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Change is never easy. But without change there is no growth. Change tests us. It helps us to discover what we’re really made of and to realize our untapped potential. To be willing to change takes great courage. To see change through to the end requires fortitude and the support of those around you.

In this podcast, hosts Gail Doby and Erin Weir have an in-depth conversation with Nancy Charbonneau, CEO, founder & principal designer, Charbonneau Interiors in Woodland, Texas. Nancy is a long-time client of Gail’s and for nearly the past two years has served as a coach for Pearl Collective.

Some twelve years into operating her business, Nancy was dissatisfied that she was not earning higher profits despite having what otherwise seemed a successful interior design practice and retail window treatments store. She knew she needed help but wasn’t sure what to do about her business. She began working with Gail and some time later at a Boardroom retreat, got feedback from the other members that challenged her to make some significant changes. She took that feedback to heart and immediately set about implementing those changes.

Gail praised her for being so open and willing to change. “It was scary,” said Nancy. “It wasn’t easy. Staying the same wasn’t going to be easy, either. You have to pick which path you’re going to follow.” She and business partner, Kimberly, quickly pivoted, and, as it turned out, for the better.

“I think we grow the most when have to face these really difficult pivotal moments,” observed Gail, “where we actually have to find out who we are, what we’re made of, how much grit do we have, how much resilience do we have, and how much determination do we have to really break through whatever our current situation is and do something radically different. You don’t know how it’s going to turn out. You have to believe it’s the right move.”

Erin and Nancy talked about the challenges of being a working mom running your own business. It’s important, they agreed, to make time for yourself. “You have to have your personal core values that guide your decisions,” said Nancy, “and make boundaries around the things that are non-negotiable.” For her, that includes making time to work out, to restore and to relax.

Asked why she decided to serve as a coach, Nancy said it was her way of giving back to the profession and to Gail’s firm for all the help and support they have given her over the years. “I wouldn’t have made it without you,” she said.

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