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Interior Design Business Owners Love These Podcasts

Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 182

Today’s collection of the world’s best interior design business podcasts includes 7 ridonkulous episodes from hosts Kimberley Seldon, Josh Cooperman, Kylie Tyrell, Desi Creswell, Marc Müskens, Darla Powell, Marissa Hamling & Courtney Atkinson.

Today’s podcast guests include Charles Pavarini III, Laura Martin Bovard and Meredith Huck.

If you want to build a thriving interior design business, these essential podcasts will help you get you going.

  • Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Exploring Tension - 19 min

  • Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Illuminated Ideas: Architecture and Lighting for A Modern Client - 58 min

  • Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 10 things I wish I knew when I started my business - 19 min

  • The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - When Things Go Wrong - 24 min

  • Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Run Your Business From Soul - with Laura Martin Bovard - 59 min

  • Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Maximize Your Time With Repeatable Systems and Processes - 55 min

  • Interior Designers Unfiltered - Marissa Hamling & Courtney Atkinson - Interior Design CSI: Spotting Client Red Flags Through Discovery Calls - 27 min

Business of Design - Kimberley Seldon - Exploring Tension - 19 min

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None of us wants to live with constant stress, but in this episode, host Kimberley Seldon explores the upside to a little healthy, motivating tension. Tension is the indicator light, alerting you to a decision ahead or a situation that needs your attention.

In this episode we learn:

  • always be open to discovering where you need to update your process

  • do what you can to keep an awesome employee but don’t over-compensate, you may prevent yourself from the benefits of a new hire and fresh ideas

  • lowering your prices to land your dream job may not be the wisest choice

  • learn when to let go of sunk costs

Convo By Design - Josh Cooperman - Illuminated Ideas: Architecture and Lighting for A Modern Client - 58 min

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In this episode, Josh Cooperman interviews Charles Pavarini III.

Pavarini has reinterpreted the legacy of the Pavarini Construction Company, known for creating historic landmarks including the Seagram Tower, the United Nations, the State Theater at Lincoln Center, and numerous other landmark buildings in New York City and throughout the world. All of his projects hinge around a powerful central design theme and maintain a certain ‘vision’ which is always dramatically executed given Charles’ keen sense of color, style, and use of lighting as a ‘design tool’.

Having sat on the board of directors of the Designer’s Lighting Forum of New York for twenty-five years, he has a refined approach to interior design always staged with strong focal points and exacting lighting technique to harness the artistic and architectural vernacular of the spaces he designs. His extensive experience in the Performing Arts as performer, costume designer and set designer qualify him to conceive projects of any scale and proportion with great dignity and an unmatched passion for mood. While that is the bio, it should also be noted that Pavarini co-authored a book that was featured on BookLook. His offering, Lighting Beyond Edison: Brilliant Residential Lighting Techniques in the Age of LED’s is truly a transformative look at what is possible in modern lighting and how it works to elevate the design and increase functionality. We are going to cover this and a great deal more.

Interiors Insider - Kylie Tyrell - 10 things I wish I knew when I started my business - 19 min

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The Interior Design Business CEO - Desi Creswell - When Things Go Wrong - 24 min

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Even though we know that all designers miss the mark or have oversights sometimes, we secretly hope it never happens to us. You can do your absolute best and still have things go wrong, and the truth is this is just part of running a business. If you’re holding yourself to a standard of perfection or believe you can plan enough to avoid all problems, listen in.

Discover why there is so much to be gained when things go wrong in your design business. Host Desi Creswell is showing us how to release the pressure of perfection, the strategies you can implement to navigate things going wrong with more calm and ease, and the opportunities that surface when you learn how to support yourself with kindness and patience.

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • Examples of how things go wrong in a design business.

  • Why it’s impossible to completely avoid things going wrong. 

  • Concrete strategies you can implement to navigate instances when things go wrong.

  • Why you don’t want to take action from an activated state.

  • How to approach things going wrong through a lens of compassion and connection.

  • The best way to learn from mistakes. 

Beyond Interior Design - Marc Müskens - Run Your Business From Soul - with Laura Martin Bovard - 59 min

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This Beyond Interior Design Podcast episode features renowned interior designer and founder of LMB Interiors, Laura Martin Bovard

Laura and host Marc Müskens delve into the art of running your business from soul. It’s about aligning your design principles with your higher purpose. It’s about transforming spaces and creating meaningful experiences.

Discover the power of your authenticity and find your self-awareness. Let’s design more consciously and elevate the interior design industry together.

The Top 10 Topics:

  1. How can interior designers have a unique style and principles while aligning with the soul's purpose in their work?

  2. What is the importance of setting boundaries and designing your own terms to stay true to your vision and values?

  3. How can you as an interior designer create a company culture that prioritizes well-being and energy for your team, partners and clients?

  4. What is "post luxury" and how can you shift towards more conscious and sustainable design?

  5. Why is it essential for you to communicate your higher purpose?

  6. How can you handle emotions and transform fear into personal and professional growth?

  7. What can interior designers do to deal with limiting beliefs and overcome self-doubt?

  8. How can interior designers foster authentic connections to create a better experiences for their clients?

  9. What role does self-awareness play in creating an interior design?

  10. What is the power of interior design in transforming spaces and people's lives for the better?

Designed by Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Maximize Your Time With Repeatable Systems and Processes - 55 min

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A crucial step in growing your business is developing dependable systems and processes. Today’s guest, Meredith Huck, is an SOP wizard and has lots of great advice on how to create repeatable systems so you can work smarter, not harder.

House of Huck homes capture a coastal casual essence — livable furnishings & elevated finishes woven between modern and organic elements. Our goal is to bring a tranquil and welcoming environment into our client's home while not sacrificing the beauty within, just as the coast does for us.

Interior Designers Unfiltered - Marissa Hamling & Courtney Atkinson - Interior Design CSI: Spotting Client Red Flags Through Discovery Calls - 27 min

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Today, we’re introducing a new entry to our podcast collection - Interior Designers Unfiltered.

In this episode, hosts Marissa Hamling & Courtney Atkinson are spilling the tea on one of the juiciest aspects of running a kick-ass interior design business—discovery calls and dealing with potential client red flags.

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