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Mastering the Business of Interior Design: Top Podcasts for Residential Designers

The BEST Interior Design Business Podcasts - Episode 151

We’ve got 7 fantastic interior design podcasts for you this Monday morning.

Today’s interior design podcasts episodes come from hosts Terri Taylor, Michele Williams, LuAnn Nigara, Darla Powell, Melissa Galt, Laura Thornton and Dennis Scully.

Today’s podcast guests include Brittany Murphy and Tim Butcher.

So much good stuff to help you master your design business.

  • Interior Design Business - Terri Taylor - Leadership Part 2 - 39 min

  • Profit is a Choice - Michele Williams - How to Remove Summer Stress - 29 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit - LuAnn Nigara - Brittany Murphy: Hiring An SEO Specialist - 1 hr 12 min

  • Designed By Wingnut Social - Darla Powell - Mini News : How to Use Instagram Ads to Grow Your Account - 9 min

  • The Affluent Creative - Melissa Galt - How to Work With Contractors Without Losing Your Mind - 32 min

  • The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Laura Thornton - Let's Talk Staying Positive When All goes Wrong - 13 min

  • Business of Home - Dennis Scully - Tim Butcher of Fromental on finding a niche and owning it - 1 hr 1 min

Interior Design Business - Leadership Part 2 - 39 min

In today’s episode, host Terri Taylor is once again joined by coach Valerie Priester to talk about what it takes for a designer to be a good leader. 

In Part 1, they talked about learning from your mistakes, building confidence, and getting clear on your vision, and in this episode, we’re covering the self-care side of leadership: how to stand up for yourself, set boundaries, and outsource. 

Stepping into your role as a leader might be challenging if you were brought up to be a people pleaser and perfectionist, but it’s a really important step on your path to success in your design business. You need to be able to lead a job, a team, and even yourself. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • How to stand your ground 

  • The importance of clear communication 

  • The mindset of an effective leader 

  • The lies that burnout tells you 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Profit is a Choice - How to Remove Summer Stress - 29 min

Every year around this time when my kids were young, host Michele Williams would find herself thinking about how we would handle our summer plans. Which camps were they going to and when? How could I have a more relaxed schedule at work while moving projects along but also being mom? Maybe you don’t have kids, but do want a more relaxed summer schedule – no matter what, listen in to this episode originally recorded in 2019. The lessons in time management and project expectations still apply. 

Topics Mentioned:

  • Delegation 

  • Fractional Support 

  • Accidental Business Owner 

  • Systems  

Thoughts from Michele:

  • Our industry is heavily saturated with women.  

  • We cannot do it all at the same time. Something has to give. 

  • You have to be upfront with your clients with what your summer plans are. 

  • We have to have realistic expectations.  

  • We do not want to make a decision in a vacuum.  

  • There are always trade-offs with whatever decision you make.  

  • Try to be as creative as you can.  

  • You do not have to do it the way I did it. Do what works for you. 

  • Anytime you stop marketing your business, it can take us 3 to 6 months to gain back your footing.  

  • Make a plan based on choices and decisions.  

  • Commit to the plan. Work the plan.  

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Window Treatments for Profit - Brittany Murphy: Hiring An SEO Specialist - 1 hr 12 min

In today’s episode, host LuAnn Nigara has Brittany Murphy of One Thing Marketing joining her.

SEO is a very important element to our businesses. A lot of us wonder; how do we incorporate SEO? Who do we hire that we can trust to help us? These are very important and common questions and Brittany is here to answer them, and then some.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designed By Wingnut Social - Mini News : How to Use Instagram Ads to Grow Your Account - 9 min

Today’s Mini News episode highlights Darla Powell’s latest informational webinar, “The 6 Keys to Success on Instagram.” Today’s excerpt focuses on how to use Instagram ads to grow your account.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Affluent Creative -  How to Work With Contractors Without Losing Your Mind - 32 min

Unless you are a designer that works in furnishings only, you are going to have to work with a contractor at some point. I don’t just mean general contractors either—plumbers, electricians, painters, drywallers, roofers, flooring specialists, wallpaper, hangers, appliance installers, cabinet makers and the list goes on.

Contractors are an integral part of design, remodeling, renovation, and new construction. Unfortunately, there are great and not-so-great contractors out there and you are going to have to work with both kinds. It’s important that you know where to find quality contractors and that you know how to work with them effectively.

In today’s episode, host Melissa Galt dives in with her best advice for finding quality contractors you can trust, and the right way to vet them. She goes over the five must-haves to validate quality contractors every time, and why you want to craft a contract or code of conduct so that you can accurately and precisely set expectations. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • How to avoid the frustrations that working with contractors can sometimes bring

  • The importance of using a thorough process when vetting potential contractors

  • How and why you should craft a code of conduct or contract 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Business of Beautiful Spaces - Let's Talk Staying Positive When All goes Wrong - 13 min

In today's episode, host Laura Thornton is speaking about staying positive when all goes wrong.

As seasoned designers, we all know that projects don't always go according to plan. Unexpected setbacks, client demands, and challenging circumstances can make us feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But fear not, it happens to all of us! 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home Podcast - Tim Butcher of Fromental on finding a niche and owning it - 1 hr 1 min

Tim Butcher, founder and creative director of wallpaper company Fromental, runs a truly international operation: Based in England, he and partner Lizzy Deshayes work with a team of artists in China to produce intricate custom hand painted wallpaper at scale. Over the past two decades, the business has expanded to do business all over the world—including a new corporate showroom in New York opening this month.

On this episode of the podcast, he speaks with host Dennis Scully about the complex cultural history of Chinoiserie, why the rise of digital printing is both a blessing and a curse, and how smaller brands can win by finding a niche and owning it.  

You can check out this podcast episode here:

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