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Interior Design Business Podcasts #149

Today’s BEST interior design business podcasts come from hosts Suzanne Hall, Jessica Bennett, Michael Boodro, Tobi Fairley, Kate Bendewald, LuAnn Nigara, Rebecca Hay & Dennis Scully.

Today’s podcast guests are Barbara Sallick, Matthew Quinn, Sophie Donelson, Hadley Keller, Katie Boyce, Vita Vygovska, Kris Karski, Fred Nicolaus, Haley Chouinard and Michael Diaz Griffith.

I dare you to not learn something that will improve your design business today…I double-dare you:

Here are today’s interior design podcasts for interior designers:

  • Dear Alice - Suzanne Hall & Jessica Bennett - The Color Q&A - 50 min

  • The Chairish Podcast - Michael Boodro - Why Is Kitchen Design Changing So Dramatically? - 43 min

  • The Design You Podcast - Tobi Fairley - Reaching New Audiences Through Design Content with Hadley Keller - 53 min

  • Designer’s Oasis - Kate Bendewald - How to add a Lead Magnet to your Marketing Strategy - 56 min

  • Window Treatments for Profit with LuAnn Nigara - LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: The Worst Word in the English Language: Part 2 - 12 min

  • Resilient By Design - Rebecca Hay - The Truth Behind AI with Kris Karski - 49 min

  • Business of Home - Dennis Scully - The Thursday Show: Michael Diaz Griffith on the next generation of antiques collectors, a look at industry greenwashing and more - 1 hr 7 min

Dear Alice - The Color Q&A - 50 min

In today’s episode, hosts Suzanne Hall & Jessica Bennett discuss color. It’s easy to follow trends and just do what everyone else is doing, but it doesn’t matter what someone’s top favorite color is because it could look terrible on you and you might hate it. This is the year of introspection and understanding what you’re drawn to, how you dress yourself, and figuring out who you are. This is something that we are all very passionate about here at Alice Lane, which is understanding these things while also being current about where art and design is in popular culture.


  • Color 6:40

  • The right things to do moving forward 9:00

  • Developing an entire home palate 11:00

  • Favorite paint colors 22:05

  • Dark and moody colors 33:35

  • Why some people are drawn to warm or cool tones 38:45

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Chairish Podcast - Why Is Kitchen Design Changing So Dramatically? - 43 min

The kitchen is the heart of the American home—and the hardest working room in the house. But it is also an ever more important canvas for creativity and style. Three kitchen-design experts - Barbara Sallick, Matthew Quinn, and Sophie Donelson - weigh in on why kitchens are more crucial than ever, evaluate all the latest trends, and reveal why efficiency is over-rated and why an old-fashioned table lamp may be the most innovative kitchen appliance of all.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

The Design You Podcast - Reaching New Audiences Through Design Content with Hadley Keller - 53 min

If you’re a designer or any other type of creative with an interest in being published or creating content, you’re going to love this episode. Host Tobi Fairley is joined by a real inside source when it comes to design writing, and she’s here to give us her insights and answers about connection and storytelling in the design industry.

Hadley Keller is a long-time design writer and editor currently serving as Director of Editorial and Community Engagement at the Design Leadership Network, which is a community of top leading designers. Things are rapidly changing in the design content and editorial industry, and Hadley is walking us through what we need to know if we’re trying to navigate this space.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Designer’s Oasis - How to add a Lead Magnet to your Marketing Strategy - 56 min

Great marketing should make our consumers feel like they WANT to open that email and look at the blog post or podcast. We have all had those moments where marketing may have put us off because it was a little “icky” or overly done but today’s guest Katie Boyce is going to help us with copywriting and brand messaging that feels just right!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What a lead magnet is, why they are important, and how to decide that you need one (hint: we all do!).What type of lead magnet attracts the right client, what can set you apart and what really makes a good lead magnet.

  • What comes after you create the lead magnet from putting it all together, the tech side, the nurture sequence, and all that comes along with having a successful lead magnet. She shares how the days after they are delivered the lead magnet are really key in conversions.

  • Email service providers and tech tools you can use to build your welcome sequences and how to keep moving forward even if this part is intimidating for you!

  • What emails should be included in a welcome sequence and how to build out an email sequence that will keep your subscribers interested and engaged.

  • When it may be best to hire a copywriter and how a copywriter can help you really nail down your brand messaging to attract the clients you really want. 

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Window Treatments for Profit with LuAnn Nigara - Vita’s Tip in 10 with Vita Vygovska: The Worst Word in the English Language: Part 2 - 12 min

In today’s episode of Window Treatments for Profit, host LuAnn Nigara & LuAnn University instructor Vita Vygovska discuss the worst word in the English language.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Resilient by Design - The Truth Behind AI with Kris Karski - 49 min

In this episode, host Rebecca Hay interviews a very special guest: her very own husband Kris Karski!

Kris brings his marketing and tech expertise to the show and shares insights on all things AI. He lets us know what this tool actually is, how it works and how it can help designers with their business. We do some live demos (and go down a few doomsday rabbit holes!) as Kris shares his advice on what designers should do with this tech right now to stay ahead of the curve.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

Business of Home - The Thursday Show: Michael Diaz Griffith on the next generation of antiques collectors, a look at industry greenwashing and more - 1 hr 7 min

BOH executive editor Fred Nicolaus and managing editor Haley Chouinard join host Dennis Scully to discuss the biggest news in the design industry, including the relaunch of Lonny, a Pride Month controversy, and a look at greenwashing. Later, the executive director of the Design Leadership Network, Michael Diaz Griffith, discusses his new book, The New Antiquarians.

You can check out this podcast episode here:

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